Chapter Six

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Robins POV


My mouth fell open in shock.

"Robin who's that?" Louis whispered. My jaw clenched and I felt the need to punch him. I lifted my fist, but James caught it.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast." He smirked.

"Robin who is it?" Louis asked.

"Louis, meet my ex boyfriend, AKA, twat." I spat. Anger filled James eyes but I know he won't hurt me no more.

"I actually prefer James. Not twat." He spat.

"Sorry, but we all have opinions and I prefer twat." I smirked, crossing my arms. Usually I'd be terrified, but I knew nothing will happen because Louis is next to me, and I'm pregnant.

His fist balled up. "I wouldn't if I were you, can you not see." It turned to my side, pointing at my stomach. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Who knew you were a slut." He smirked. Louis grabbed his collar, pushing him to the wall.

"Listen here, I think you better leave off before you won't even be able to talk for days. PARTIES OVER GET OUT!" Louis screamed. No one answered, "POLICE IS COMING!" Everyone scattered quickly, almost knocking me over, but Louis caught me. I smiled thankfully.

"If I hear you have one of these again, you seriously will be dead." Louis spat, James nodded, rushing inside and closing the door. "Let's go." Louis smiled, we took of downstairs.

"So you and James?" Louis asked as we reached the door, raising his eyebrows.

"It's nothing." I lied. Louis sighed, nodding.

We drunk our hot chocolate for a while more, talking about our families. He has now got 6 younger sibling, since his mother just gave birth to twins.

I hope I get to meet her, to ask her what it feels like.

I soon then fell asleep on the sofa, while watching again, tom&jerry.


I woke up in the morning to knocks on the door, so pushing myself off the sofa, I waddled to the door. I then realised Louis was gone, I he went when I fell asleep.

Opening the door, there stood Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn.

I yawned, walking away from the door and leaving it open for them to come in.

"Good morning to you too!" Louis cheered.

"Sorry I-" I knew it! I knew if I talk I was going to be sick.

Running to the toilet, okay, waddle/walk to the toilet, I threw up what I could, which wasn't much because I haven't eaten yet. Hair was again pulled away from my face, and soft rubs we're going up and down my back.

After brushing my teeth, and washing my face with a flannel, I walked out, smiling at them all. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair was a mess, so I grabbed it all and shoved it in a messy bun. Luckily I changed into some joggers when they left yesterday so I wasn't wearing the same clothes as when I last saw them.

"You okay?" Zayn asked.

"Fine, thanks. Sorry about that. I knew if I talked I was gonna throw up." I smiled. They all chuckled.

"So why you here?" I asked. "Not like that, I'm just wondering." I said, settling down on the sofa.

"We wanted to congratulate you for being pregnant, because we didn't yesterday." Liam smiled, holing up a Mc Donald's paper bag. I grinned, squealing as he gave it over. I opened it and saw large French fries.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now