Chapter Twenty Two

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Robins POV


39 weeks...

I breathed deeply in and out, the contractions, BH contractions, are making me extremely uncomfortable. It's also painful, and hurts around the thighs.

"I don't want to do this." I cried to the boys.

"Robin it will be over soon." Harry soothed.

"You'll do amazing when your there." Niall added. No, I'm not at the hospital at the moment. I'm actually holding on to the kitchen sides, slightly bent over as the BH contractions started to kick in.

Tears fell down my cheeks, it seems today is a very emotion day for me. I haven't stopped crying and the boys have been trying to do things for me, but there's nothing I need.

"Do you need to lay down?" Louis asked.

"That won't help." I cried into him.

"Shh baby.." He rubbed my back.

The contractions came and went every 18 minutes. I didn't know what to do. We called the midwife but she said this is normal for pregnant ladies.


A couple hours later, they dialled down, and I finally got to sit on the sofa. I was also in a much better mood.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked.

"A lot better." I grinned. He grinned back, walking of to go get something. I saw his phone on the couch and grabbed it, getting the camera up. I took hundreds of selfies, some grinning but some sticking my tongue out. I took some with the angle of my baby bump in it, pointing in it.

Louis jumped in out of no where and photo bombed it. We took loads of selfies together as well, loads of the being silly but only a few nice ones. Niall then jumped in along with Harry, and then Liam and Zayn. We all got loads together, me on Louis back, Zayn picking me up at one point. There was one point where I was crying with laughter when Harry moonied in it, the picture that had all of the rest of us looking at Harry in shock, and another when we all laughing.

721 photos altogether. Oops..

The boys put loads on twitter. Me and Louis are public, yes, if I haven't said already. Some fans are really nice, some are dicks. But any who.

The quicker this baby comes, the happier I'll be.

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