Chapter Twenty Nine

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Louis POV


One week. One week she's been in the coma. I've finally caught my sleep back, and today is the day I get to hold Emily. Every day I spend half the day with Emily, then half the day with Robin and spend the night with Robin. But today, I get to hold my gorgeous Emmy.

I walked into the baby room, going straight over to her. Her IVs are finally off, and she's got a pink baby grow on. She's was meant to be taken home today but with the whole Robin incident I'm not, I want to stay here for a few more days. I scooped her gently into my arms. She was so tiny, and weighed nothing.

"Hello Emily, it's me, daddy." I cooed. I seriously had no clue how to act, I know I have 6 younger siblings but if was their brother. I'm her dad. I took her out the room, and to Robins room where Robin was laid on a bit, up slightly.

"Look baby, it's your mummy. Gorgeous right?" I watched as Emily stared at Robin in amazement, her big eyes lighting up. "You'll see her soon baby." I whispered, kissing Ems cheek. I took ahold of Robins hand, watching her chest rise and fall. I stayed cuddling Emily and Robin until the boys turned up. My mum will be back next week sometime. They're eyes lit up when they saw me holding the one week old baby.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked. They all grinned, nodding. Harry rushed over first, taking her gently from my eyes.

"My Jesus she's small." Harry said shocked. They all had their go for about 10 minutes each, cooing her. Just as I went to take Emily from Zayns arms, I heard a long beeping noise. I looked over to Robin in shock. Please say that wasn't from her monitor. Please. I beg you.

I watched as her heart rate went to a straight line, and that's when I broke down, calling for a doctor.


Robins POV


I became worn out, running around this place of darkness. There's no light. None. I don't even know how long I've been running for. Days, weeks. I'm not sure.

That's until I saw it. The light. Wait.. Do I run to it? I mean.. Am I supposed to?

Who cares, I don't know where I am. I started to run for the light, as fast as I could.

It started to fade, I tried calling it back but.. No words were formed.

That's when it happened.

I fell.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now