Chapter Sixteen

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Robins POV


"Miss Mkay everything seems to be fine. Your baby isn't harmed, but is very small for 8 months pregnancy. Here's the ultrasound. Like I said just make sure to rest." Dr.Martin said.

I sighed, thanking him and walking out the room. The pains have dialled down but still hurt like crazy. I'm just glad I have Louis by my side and I'm glad he is the father.

I'm also thankful for the other boys, filling up the drawers in the baby room of clothes. I do try to pay for the clothes but it never works.

"Wanna go to the park?" Louis asked. I grinned, nodding. He took a left instead of the usual right and parked on the curb.

We walked over to the gate and pulled it open, sitting on the bench and watching parents walk past with their kids. I saw two ladies on a picnic blanket, watching their two kids play and chatting. I smiled, looking down and fiddling with my maxi dress.

"Why you smiling?" Louis asked.

"I'm just.. Excited. Nervous, but excited. I'm also grateful. I can't even thank you boys enough for what you have been doing for me this past month." I smiled.

"That's fine love, we want to help as much as we can." Louis said. I looked up at him and he pressed a kiss on my lips.

We sat on the bench, watching little kids play and listen to them having fun. Louis pulled out his phone and his eyes widened in shock at it, then looks around.

"What?" I chuckled. He showed me the picture of a couple of moments ago, his hand on my bump and pressing his lips to mine. Not going to lie, it was cute.

"What? Who took that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." He furrowed his eyebrows. "We should go." He nodded.

"Yeah.." I said. We arrived to the house and the boys and a girl with white hair was stood there. The girl seemed happy but the boys had a strange look on their face.

Not to sure what it is though..

"So there's a picture on twitter." Liam raised an eyebrow.

"I know." Louis rubbed his face in his hands. His phone started to ring.

"Hello.. Yeah, I saw it... Uh-huh... What? I don't think that's a goo- But.. Okay." He hung up.

"Management. In the next interview I have to talk about what's going on, with the baby." Louis rubbed his face with his hands. They all nodded, I agreed saying its fine if it keeps them going.

"Well.. Hi! I'm Perrie! Zayns girlfriend. Your Robin?" Perrie grinned. Oh my god she's perfect! She has some amazing figure. I must look like a whale compared to her...

"Yeah! It's lovely to meet you." I smiled. This is strange seeing a girl. She pulled me into a tight hug that I returned.

"Ah! Is it a girl or boy?" She asked.

"A girl!" I grinned.

"What's the name?" She asked.

"Emily." I answered her. Her eyes lit up.


"Thank you."

"Well I was wondering, do you want to go shopping with me today? I wanna help with the baby clothes too! And also I need a top up." She chatted away. I glanced to Louis for permission. He smiled and shrugged.

"Yeah sure! Just let me get changed." I answered and went upstairs. I quickly changed into my peach sweater and some stretchy leggings, some comfy uggs. I put my hair up in a messy bun like always because otherwise I get really sweaty.

I brushed my teeth again, then sprayed on deodorant. I went downstairs quickly.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered. Louis came over, placing a card in my hand. I shook my head, giving it back.

"Get what ever you want. Get a dress because we're going on another date." He whispered in my ear sending goosebumps over my body.

"I can't take it." I said.

"Take it."

I sighed. "Thank you." I pecked him on the cheek.

"Be careful." He said, I nodded and walked out the door.

"So you and Louis?" Perrie asked. I shook my head. "Don't say that, Zayn told me."

"Sneaky bastard." I laughed, she laughed too. "I.. I just- He's a great person, he is adorable y'know?" I sighed, as we walked the small shopping centre.

"Yeah, you love him don't you?" She smirked.

"Not deeply. Not yet."

"Okay hun. Well let's get shopping!" She cheered.

We headed off into the centre.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now