𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊 : Congratulations

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Cold. It's so fucking COLD. I swear to God that I can't feel my limbs from how cold it is in this pale white room.
How long have I been trapped in these four walls? A week now? Perhaps even a month? I really don't remember. Now that I've laid myself down, I feel the floor, so fluffy and soft. it is made out of pillows, very thick pillows and the same goes for the walls. The warmth emitting from the cushioned floor reminds me of my mother's hugs, or of the sunny days I used to spend out at a park with my father. Oh how much I miss those days.. I felt a knot forming in my chest, right where the air is supposed to slip in the lungs. Sadness was devouring me.
I'm feeling like i just got abandoned to myself. It's so silent here; I can't really hear anything. I can just about manage to hear my own breathing as my mouth is covered in some white mask. The only thing around me that isn't white in colour is the shiny iron door. It has a small window that lets people see me. If I could lay my fingers on them, I'd skin them alive. I hate it when people stare at me; it makes my body tense, as soon as I notice someone is watching me, I just become engulfed in a murderous desire.
I've started to watch the wrought iron door, as if it is some kind of entertainment.
It's been two minutes now. Three minutes. Four minutes. Five. Six. SEVEN. EIGHT.
The door handle suddenly moves and after a split second it swings open, revealing two figures. Both are dressed in thick white coats with icy blue gloves, masks that cover their faces up to their noses and fluffy boots. They start making their way towards me and I struggle against my straightjacket, desperate to move my arms. One of them is holding something and what seems to me to be a notebook. The other one made eye contact with me. Why the fuck does he have to stare at me that much? What have I done wrong to have him stare at me? Or am I just ugly?
"So this is isolation cell number 009," the man that was staring at me kept his eyes locked on me, while probably listening to what his coworker just said "impressive." He commented. What? What is so impressive? Come on, tell me. I'M LISTENING TO YOU UGLY.
"Yes, I can tell. It's the biggest cell we have here." , "I was talking about our little buddy here, not this sick pale cell we're stuck in."
There's a moment of silence before one of the men steps closer to me, kneeling down. He's not close enough for me to be able to tell what he smells like, though. I'm feeling so sleepy.
"Are you sure about what you've told me earlier? He looks like a Beta to me." The man with the notebook just flipped some pages before answering "No, no. He's an Omega, so far the strongest and largest one we've had in over two hundred years..." , "What?! Are you fucking serious?" By now, the amount of noise that they're making is starting to stress me out. I wish they'd stop.
"Yes sir, I'm serious and I wouldn't suggest for you to be that close to him. We don't need another injured personnel." For a while I didn't hear anything so I curl up as much as I can but it doesn't make me feel better at all. The man who's eyes made me feel like a target said "Injured personnel you say?" The next thing I felt was a huge lack of light. I rise my head, my gaze meeting with that man's eyes, they're filled with enthusiasm. He then grabbed my chin, stroking my cheeks with his fingers, causing a low growl to leave the back of my throat. His fingers, just like the hand's palm, are rough and dry. He's not even being gentle while stroking my cheeks. "How can this little cutie injure someone? He looks so helpless." Helpless your ass "Sir, as you may not perceive, but in this cell we're at -2 degrees celsius or 28,4 degrees fahrenheit if you prefer." Now i see why I'm feeling so weird, those damn bastards will pay for this. My empty stomach growled loudly; in moments like these I wish I could just bite off some parts of my body, such as my skin, to silence this noisy bastard. "Someone's hungry I see." He smirked down at me, though not in a cruel way. He was about to stroke my hair but he got stopped by his coworker's voice, "Subject O0 cannot eat anything, there's a reason that we've put him in the toughest isolation cell."
And with that, he harshly closed his notebook, making the sound of paper clapping together loudly, forming a muffled echo sound.
"In my opinion, if we make our subjects feel better around us it would be easier for them to heal. don't you think?" ,  "Yes, I agree with you but this beast you're right next to you is something completely different. He may look innocent and helpless but it's his own fault if he ended up here!" This guy now stomped to me, almost pushing aside the other man "You weren't that smart back then were you? Little piece of shit..." I couldn't help but look at him dead in the eyes, he positioned his notebook right next to his left leg as he knelt down to me, being even closer than before "You ruined your life kid" he said in a darker voice, i could've sworn that tears were threatening to escape my eyes. "Hey don't you think you're being too harsh with him? Just take a look at him, he seems like a good boy that I could trust but you all obviously made his life a living hell in this place—" , " YOU DO NOT, WANNA TRUST HIM." He pointed his ugly finger towards me and then began to talk loud, again " HE CAN OUTFOX EVERYONE, EVERYONE! AND EVERYONE FELL INTO HIS TRAP EVEN WHEN THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHO HE WAS, WHAT HE DID AND HOW STRO—" , "Oh, come on you're exaggerating. After all, he's an Omega. How strong do you want expect him to be? We may not be Alphas but Deltas are surely stronger than Omegas."
Just as he was about to stroke my hair, the other man grabbed his wrist firmly.
"What if I told you that he murdered two Alpha men, five police officers that were two Alphas and three Betas, and even his parents?!" Now he's crossed the line. I can't believe this jackass had the guts to say such a lie in front of me. I would never kill my mom and dad! I stared at that bastard. I'd happily pour some gasoline on him and throw in a lit match to make him burn like some sort of sausage if i could.
Oh dear God If only I didn't have this straightjacket on.
I just began to stare at this shit talking idiot, I can tell my iris got smaller by the scared face he just made.
"See? Once he stares at someone like that, it's obvious that he's going to rip the shit out of you." The other man just stroked my hair, seemingly amused by all of this. I snap at him and my growls grow louder with each second that passes. His amused face turned into a shocked, retarded look. I could cry from laughter just looking at his expression. They stood up and walked out of my cell quickly, I eventually heard one of them saying something which sounded like 'I guess you were right.' . That poor idiot.
They can't let me starve in here or it'll just anger the government. From what I've heard, Omegas are covering barely 0.02% of the world population. They say we're a "species" they'd like to keep safe from extinction. I'd actually play dead just to mess with them. I'm already imagining their reactions. I definitively gotta try it once I get out from that door...

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