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༺L e v i༻

It's quiet , too quiet.
I'm walking down the dorm's alleyway, and the only audible thing you could possibly hear are my footsteps and my silent breath.  As I continue walking, I look around myself and see that every angle of the alleyway's walls is just a spot of pure darkness.
The lights are off in all of the male dorm's rooms, except for a few in which I'm sure some students are still studying.
With every step I make, my worries get stronger and my wonders get bigger.
What does Hanji need now? Why can't I have a normal student life? How am I going to continue like this?! I keep on having these confused questions, spinning around my head.
It didn't take me too much time to reach the dorms exit, just as I stepped outside I got slapped by the evenings gloominess.
Rose's high-school has a very original structure, the dorms are located in a position that once you step outside you will have in front of you the school's courtyard.
At the center of the courtyard there's a huge spruce tree, that is surrounded by small bushes which have red roses in them.
I got beyond the courtyard now, and go in the GYM's direction.
It didn't take me too much to find Hanji, she was waiting for me right in front of the closed entrance. Before we began our conversation I checked the time on my phone, it says 9pm. My gaze ,that soon became a glare, meets her goofy face "Hanji I hope it's something important if you told me to meet up with you me this late in the evening." , "Don't worry Levi, it is very important. We're not alone though" She turned around showing me her back, I heard the sound of metal clapping against some other metal. The GYM's door swung open after a few seconds "What the fuck Hanji!" , "Calm down Levi! The janitor gave me the keys! Everything's under control so no worries okay?" I gave her a simple nod, I didn't trust her though.
As we entered the building I got hugged by Erwin, which surprised me. 'What in the world is he doing here?' I just hugged him back but after two split seconds I pushed him off, Hanji, before closing the GYM's doors, checked outside if anyone did follow me but nobody did. Erwin leads me to a table that is located at the center of the entrances alleyway. I take a seat and same do they "So what is going on here? Mind giving me an explanation now?" I said sternly, making a sigh at the end, waiting for an answer.
An awkward silence has taken dominance in the alleyway, but it soon got defeated by Hanji's words "We have stolen the subject's informations" my eyes got shot wide open, unbelieving what this crazy psychopath has just said "What do you mean by that" instead of hearing Hanji's answer, Erwin began talking "We have basically made a copy of the subject's information sheet." I simply nod my head "With 'subject' you mean Eren?" Hanji gave a slight nod while Erwin looked confused a bit, but he just shrugged it off.
Hanji handed me the information sheet, I took it hesitantly not knowing what I was about to read, but then a thought hit me "Hanji why do we have to do it? Why we? We're just some normal students who have to study psychology and had to use a subject from a madhouse, just to study and observe." She and Erwin both looked at me with a concerned look on their faces "Levi that's a question that I asked myself too, and we're doing it because...well I don't know how to tell you it—" , "Just spit it out shitty glasses!" , "Okay!... The principal, a few days ago...before we had to go get him, has asked me to actually 'take care of him' because the government was planning on sending him to a school—" , "AND WHY'S THAT?!" , "BECAUSE APPARENTLY HE IS HEALING!" Words didn't escape my mouth anymore, this sick idiot is going to be attending at my school? The government can forget about it "I know what you're thinking about Levi..." I look up at Erwin, his voice turning heavy at my name "So what, eyebrows?" , "You're thinking that he might be attending at our school. And because of that 'he might' you'll have to know everything about him just as I,Hanji and the others did" he clapped his hands against each other forming a loud echo, that is now running in the GYM's alleyway and rooms "OKAY FINE." I snapped at him, but before I could eventually read it Hanji grabbed my wrist firmly, I glared at her.
Her filthy hand is touching my wrist! I don't even know what she has been touching with that hand "Levi it'd be better if you read this I your dorm's room" Erwin stands up and, waiting for me to do the same. I just glared at Hanji even more "Couldn't you have given me this damn piece of paper when I was still in the damn dorms?!" , "Well no" I wanted to punch her in the face because of the smirk she just showed me "Come on Levi let's go before it gets even more late than it is now, bye Hanji see you tomorrow" , "BYE GEL EYEBROWS!" I cringed at the nickname she just gave him, but what could i have expected from someone like her...
After what seemed like an hour, Erwin and I finally managed to get to our room, we entered it silently not wanting to wake up anyone that's sleeping. I quickly went to the bathroom, turned the light on and took off my clothes leaving on only my underwear, after that I washed my face. Erwin opened the bathroom's door, he also took his clothes off and went under the shower. I instead wiped my wet face on a towel and went to bed.
Erwin, after ten minutes, got out of the bathroom too and gave me a torch so that I could make some light only for myself.
I turned it on and began to read the bastard's informations on the paper. I've had just realized that it's more than one! This is going to be a long night of reading.

[DISCONTINUED]Ereri/Riren G(L)ORYWhere stories live. Discover now