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༺L e v i ༻

Wherever I put my gaze, I see blood.
Dark crimson blood on walls, floor, doors, mirrors, sinks JUST EVERYWHERE. The smell of dry blood poked my nostrils.
This scenery is so macabre and disgusting, that I might puke.  As I inspect the bathroom, i see Hanji and Petra holding a unconscious body above one of the many sinks that are in here. The water is turned on and while Hanji is holding that body, Petra is splashing gently the water on it's face. Me and my group began to walk towards them, slowly. I don't want to get my shoes dirty with some damn blood, even if it's dry it can still stain. I was now behind Hanji.
Oluo Erwin and Mike went to help Petra; Oluo obviously trying to hit up on her... I poked Hanji's shoulder, and she flinched at my sudden touch. She turns her head in my direction to face me, she shows me a wide smile with a sparkle in her crazy eyes "Levi, thank God you're here...come on help me carry him and place him against the wall" I nod and grab him by the waist, I immediately felt bones, no muscles or flesh but bones. I helped her lay him down on the floor with his back placed on the wall just as she asked me to "Hanji, mind explaining me what the hell happened here? I'm about to lose my patience" , "Yes yes just, just give me a second...!" She walked over the sink and poured some water on her hands to make them wet, even more than before. She walks back in my direction and strokes gently the face of this unconscious body. I understood what she's trying to do "Hanji he won't wake up like this, he'd wake up faster if we let him open his eyes alone." I said sternly, she only nod in agreement "Now, mind explaining me what the fuck happened in here? Why did I see the door of my room, almost broken, with some objects randomly scattered in the alleyway?" I asked with acid in my voice, she looked at me with wide eyes and sighed "In first place, he's the subject that we are going to study...so expect every kind of emotions and actions from him..." I nod my head as mention to continue "He got a...uuh I'm not sure how to call it... But I have found him on the bed shaking and whimpering, his hands were both full of bites that drew blood. Some skin went missing from both hands so I guess he just bit it off" I glanced over at our subject's limbs and realized that Hanji is speaking the truth, some skin parts went missing, he had also dark red circles surrounding his closed eyes and a red nose which I bet was bleeding. I then look over at his forearm, it wasn't in the best of conditions either, I could see deep cuts on it, but they weren't from self harm "Hanji what about his forearm?" She looked like she snapped back into reality as she grabbed firmly his wrist and pulled it to take a look at his forearm entirely. After a few seconds she sighed "Some hours ago, when I healed his forearm a big bruise appeared on it, but it was normal it meant that my antidote was working..! But I guess that it only stimulated him to.. reduce his forearm to almost muscle and bone—Levi it's too complicated to explain, especially now!" It's rare to see Hanji act like this, I guess it must be dead serious situation then.

༺E e r e n༻

I'm hearing muffled voices, too much voices... I feel my back being pressed against something cold, I let the back of my neck touch the surface of what I'm against... it's a wall. I heard some gasps.
After a few seconds I felt a hand grab my chin forcing me to pull my head up, I shot my eyes open. I see raven haired male... an Alpha male. He has the same scent that was on that pillow...I stare at him in the eyes, they're steel gray with a beautiful icy blue shade that surrounds the black pupil...

I'm feeling hypnotized...

His hand is touching my cheek, I lean on the handbreadth, trying to absorb it's warmth, accidentally a purr escapes the back of my throat. He chuckles which caused me to blush slightly, i pull my cheek away from his hand and avoid eye contact with him.

Why am I feeling like this.


"Hanji I think he won't attack us" well of course I won't dummy, i can't lance such a good looking figure like yours "Alright Levi, I trust your words" So that's his name huh?


This name suits him soooo mu—SNAP OUT OF THESE THOUGHTS DUMBASS! I mentally slapped myself, but I can't help but stare at his perfect jet black hair, his porcelain white skin and perfectly sculpted face...oh God please save me.
I close my eyes, I feel like my strength is leaving me more and more as the time passes"You shall trust me shitty glasses, he's helpless" ...ha ha ha, for now. You just wait. Just wait you...you gorgeous fool.
"Levi would you mind preparing him for first period? Me Petra and the others are going to clean the mess he made—BYEEEE~" and after this sudden sentence she slammed shut the bathroom's door. I look up at him and see that his muscles are tense "No need to be that tense around me , super model" he glared at me, oh that glare~ "You damn brat don't use that kind of voice with me or else" oh this is going to be interesting "Or else what? Hmm? I'm not afraid of you" he just smirked—AAAH THAT BEAUTIFUL SMIRK! "I could make you beg for me to let you breath—" , "Oh and I though you were smart, I'm soo disappointed on you, Levi." He glared at me again "What do you mean by this, damn brat" his voice is so deep, I want to hear him talk or hours, months, years..possibly even decades!
"Oh I mean that you cannot kill me, after all Omegas are almost extinct. The government wouldn't hesitate to kill you if i would die because of you" I smirked at him widely, he clenched his fists, struggling for control.
I guess that I will have lots of fun with him.
He leans closer to me so that there were only a few inches of empty space between our lips, he chuckled smirking "Oh i know exactly who you are, Subject O0" my eyes went wide in shock, he does know everything about me then.. "So with that I wouldn't try any games if I were you" Damn I could feel almost the venom spitting out from his mouth, I just smiled faintly at him "Well then I guess it's going to be interesting how you and that group of goats will try to study me" I finish laughing silently under my breath, he furrowed his, splendid, thin eyebrows "Did you just call my friends 'goats'?!" He grabs me by the collar of my sweater and pulls me closer to him. I laughed even harder just by looking at his face "HAHAHA YES! YES YES AND AGAIN YES! LOOK AT YOURSELF AND THEM! ALL OF YOU LOOK LIKE STUPID GOATS AHAHAHHA!" I heard my voice get way deeper at my last sentence. His face is shocked, but it immediately turned into an angry one "What Levi? Are you going to pin me down by holding me by my neck? Trying to possibly suffocate me?" I lean closer to him so that my breath brushes gently his ear "...you can't, dear Levi"
I fall back against my wall and stare at him right in the eyes "You're a mad bastard" I chuckled amused by his comment "AWWW WHY THANK YOU MY PRECIOUS DIAMOND!~" I half closed my eyes because of fatigue, It's tiring to raise your voice. My breathing calms down and my muscles relax more than before. He smirks devilishly at me, this was unexpected and it gave me slightly goosebumps "Do whatever you want, but you're weaker than me for sure" he said stroking my hair but he stood up immediately "Stand up damn bastard and follow me, if you try to do something stupid, I will make you spit your guts and force you to swallow them afterwards." His voice is gorgeous even when he threats me, I didn't even tremble in fear, i instead smirked at him even if he didn't see it because he turned his back to me while he was walking towards the bathroom's door. He then opened the door and shouted to his friends to clean the bathroom as well.
I quickly follow him. He grabs my wrist firmly while we were walking out of the bathroom area, I winced at this sudden action. His grip is getting very tight, I'm sure there will be a bruise. My muscles tense up and Levi noticed it, but he instead makes his grip get even tighter. I whined under my breath and felt little tears form in the corner of my eyes. I refused to make them fall.
"Speed up, I don't want to be late for first period because of your slow walking" I stick my tongue at him and he groans in annoyance at me.
Dear Levi, I feel like we will spend a lot of time together, I suggest you fill yourself with some Holy patience.

[DISCONTINUED]Ereri/Riren G(L)ORYWhere stories live. Discover now