2: Adrien's Life

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"Kid wake up!"Adrien groaned as he sat up and looked at his grumpy kwami. Adrien was still half asleep while Plagg kept yelling at him to get up. "Kid wake up Natalie has been calling for you for the last 15 minutes!"
Adrien was also, like Marinette, not a normal boy. Although he was paris's teen fashion model, he also was the ever non-stop cat pun making superhero, Cat Noir. He was in love with Ladybug and was always discouraged that he didn't know who she really was.

I mean how can you tell the girl you love that you love her if you don't really know ALL about her. Being a superhero and a model was hard for Adrien. Plus his father never really paid any attention to him and his mother had disappeared. He was so lonely but when Plagg came along things started to shape up, but only a little.Adrien always seemed to have bad luck since he became Cat Noir,but he only had to think of the time when he had convinced Marinette that he was only trying to help when she had hated him.

Now she was his friend!That made him remember that he didn't really have too much bad luck, at least.That memory stayed in both their minds. For Marinette it was falling in love. And for Adrien making a new friend.Although they have become good friends.They both had awkward moments.Which both ended up getting embarrassed.But they both make mistakes so it was ok.

Adrien laid back down and looked at Plagg as he closed his eyes again. "Just five more minutes'"Adrien said sleepily.Plagg protested "No kid you need to get up and you need to give me cheese!"Adrien groaned again and got up, still half asleep. He quickly got dressed and gave Plagg his cheese. When he first had met Plagg he thought Plagg wouldn't eat anything that he provided.

But then Plagg found camembert, the most stinky cheese in Paris!'What luck the only thing he eats is stinky cheese.'Adrien thought to himself.Adrien quickly went downstairs where Natalie was waiting for him and asked her what would be on his schedule for today.Although he already knew two things that would definitely be on his schedule, but that no one knew except for one. Transform, become Cat Noir and save paris and the one that some knew, not be late for another photoshoot!He did not want to have to listen to another discipline speech from Natalie, his secretary about being late for his photoshoots again.

He always seemed to have bad luck. With Ladybug or with his life overall. Even when he tried to remember what happened in the rain on his first day. At least his father was letting him go to regular school with the other kids.Which took a lot of compromising.It took awhile but it worked! Which in his opinion was a stroke of luck that never seemed to end, thankfully.Without his friends he'd be lonely all over again.He hated that.

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