17: Ladybug?!

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During Science... (Adrien's p.o.v)
"I wonder why she froze?" Adrien was sitting in class, alone again since the incident. Usually Adrien took longer to complete a test but today it was easy so he finished early. He was so bored, looking over to Marinette and Alya he could see them working hard on the exam. Adrien kept staring at the clock as it ticked away. As he watched the clock his mind gave a bad idea and his heart sank at the thought. "Marinette said she'd be leaving paris!" Adrien tried his best to keep from tears but one managed to slip. He wiped his eyes before others could fall. He had to say something to her before she left but what? Before he could think of another thought that might just break him apart a loud bang was heard. "Where is that trouble maker!" A second later the door was smashed open and revealed a tall evil looking figure. 

Her hair was in two buns on either side of her head and she wore a teacher uniform but it looked strict and she had a ruler on a belt. Her eyes were the color of a red sharpie and her mask looked like a math graph paper. There was also a phone in her pocket which was gold. It didn't take more than a second before Adrien recognized the figure as Ms.Bustier. 

Everyone was rushed to a corner as the science teacher tried to keep everyone calm. Adrien knew he couldn't fight this akuma on his own and he definitely couldn't transform. Then he heard "Tikki spots on!" In place of the shy Marinette who had also took a stand between the angry teacher and the class was now ladybug. "Marinette?" Everyone said. "I know you have questions and Alya please don't film delete it!" Alya immediately shrunk back and nodded deleting the footage. "You all better get to safety. None of you will remember this. Now go!" And the students scurried away before the battle got too ugly. Adrien ran to the bathroom to transform. 'I need to tell m'lady.'

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