9: Referee

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  After Lunch...

"Alright class now we-,""MUAHAHA!"An akuma victim came through the classroom,it was the coach!"I'm Referee!"he shouted. Marinette quickly without being noticed slipped away to transform."I wonder what happened to make him angry."Tikki asked."I don't know how I missed seeing him mad.""Well no time to ask question,you ready?"Tikki asked."Always. TIKKI SPOTS ON, YEAH!"Marinette exclaimed.After she had transformed into Ladybug she went back to the classroom.

"Alright anyways let's go help Ladybug!"

"OK kid I'm actually ready this time."

"Good,anyways...PLAGG CLAWS OUT!"Adrien transformed to go help Ladybug.

Ladybug had already led the fight outside.'Where's that cat?"Ladybug said."Right here m'lady."Good"she replied.

Outside of the school...

"Give me your miraculous!"Referee shouted."Never!"Ladybug shouted.And with that they continued to fight."Well this guy is sure hard to beat!Get it?"Cat Noir said."No time for your crazy puns."It's time to get serious."LUCKY CHARM!"Her lucky charm gave her a jump rope."I hope you've got a plan" Cat Noir said."Cat Noir try to distract him."Ladybug said as she tried to figure out what to do."You've got it.CATACLYSM!"With that he destroyed a light post which tripped the Referee."Gah!"he shouted."Minions attack!"he yelled.

All the people who he had hypnotized earlier came after Cat.Cat started to fight back."The akuma must be in his whistle"Ladybug said.She ran toward Referee but he was too quick for her."Ugh ok this gonna be harder."Ladybug thought."Uh Ladybug?"Cat Noir said."Yes?"Ladybug replied while battling Referee."We've only got a few more minutes left!"He shouted."Let's rap this up."Ladybug said.

They continued to fight t'll they had an idea."I've got it!"Me too! See?You and me it was meant to be."Ugh"she said.Then they went into action.Ladybug eventually destroyed the akumatized item.'No more evil doing for you little akuma."Bye Bye little butterfly.MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!'She threw her lucky charm in the air and fixed everything."Ugh what happened."The coach asked."Pound it" they said.Their miraculous started to beep."Gotta go" Cat said. Ladybug helped the coach up before leaving.

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