14: Different Sides

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At Marinette's...

"I can't believe Alya got akumatized again!And all because of me!"She exclaimed."It's alright Marinette really,it's not your fault."Tikki said,"Yes it is!"Marinette exclaimed.Ding ding."Oh someone is texting me."She said."Who is it?"Tikki asked,hoping it was Alya."It's Adrien he wants to know if I already did the diagram."She said,"Well tell him yes then."Tikki said."Wait there's more,he's apologizing for what happened in the park."She said,'He really cares.'She thought."Why don't you call him?"Tikki said."That's a good idea Tikki but stay quiet we already had a close call earlier."She said,"You got it Marinette,"Tikki giggled.Marinette picked up her phone and pushed call,it rang for a few seconds until..."Hello?"Adrien said,"Oh hi Adrien."Marinette said,"Hi Marinette!"He exclaimed, happy to have received a call from her."So um Adrien uh-"Marinette started but Adrien interrupted."I'm so sorry!"He exclaimed."W-What?"Marinette asked stunned."Look I'm sorry about what happened in the park I should have just let you go with Alya."He said,"No it's alright,Alya shouldn't have acted like that."She said,"Thanks Mari."He said,"Sir it's time for dinner."Natalie said."Oh I've got to go."He said,"Yeah I have to as well."She said,"Bye"Adrien said."Goodbye"She replied.Then they hung up."Well that wasn't so bad."She said.'Maybe things will work out'Tikki thought.

The Next Day...

"I'm nervous about today."Marinette said."It'll be alright,after all it wasn't your fault."Tikki replied."I don't know if she will see it that way though."Mari said.Suddenly she bumped into Alya."Hey watch it!"Alya exclaimed then her face changed to an 'Oh'."Oops I'm so sorry!"Marinette said.Then it happened super quickly."I'm so sorry Marinette!"Alya exclaimed and hugged her best friend crying."It's alright."Marinette replied and hugged her best friend back."Glad to see you two dudes made up."Nino said.Alya and Marinette pulled away and walked into the school.Then Chloe arrived,phones were out and people were screaming."OMG its Chloe! Adrien's girlfriend!"Marinette was stunned but didn't act the same way like she would have when she liked Adrien."Oh and look it's the loser who got rejected by him!"Chloe exclaimed laughing.Suddenly Adrien appeared furious."Leave Marinette alone!"He yelled,"and also WE ARE NOT DATING!"He headed straight over to Mari,Alya, and Nino."Now leave them alone and quit telling lies!I never liked you and I never will!And Marinette is not a loser! Unlike a sore loser like you!"He exclaimed,"Ugh whatever!You'll pay for this Maribrat this is ALL your fault!"She exclaimed and ran to class furious."Im so sorry about all that."Adrien said."Whatever we have to get to class c'mon Mari."Alya said and they walked away."I guess I better get to class too."Adrien thought.

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