11: Unrelated Meeting

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At The library...

"Hey girl!"Alya said.

"Hi"Mari replied.

"So now that Mari is here we should-"

"Hold on is that Adrien's limo?"Nino asked.

"Where?"Alya asked.

"There" The young DJ informed.

"Did he give you a ride?"Alya asked.

"No,of course not!"Marinette squeaked.

'I can't tell her or she will be furious.'Marinette thought.

"Well anyway let's get started."

"Ok."Mari and Nino said.

"Alright so Mari how about you do a bit of the research plus obviously the decorating. While me and Nino do the rest."Alya said.

They got to work and everything seemed to be going well until.

"Ugh what are you doing here?"Chloe asked.

"We are working."Alya snapped.

"Sabrina let's work over there away from these losers."

"Ok Chloe."

"Boys follow me!"Chloe commanded.

Marinette's group watched as Kim and Max trotted behind her carrying all the supplies.

'Poor guys!' Marinette thought.

"Chloe I just saw Adrien's limo!"Sabrina exclaimed.


"There it stopped in the park."Sabrina said.

"I'm coming for you Adrikkin's!"Chloe exclaimed and she ran off.

"Uh Alya I actually need to use the restroom.Mainly to get away from Chloe screaming when she gets back." Marinette whispered.

"I hear you girl,go."Alya whispered back and Marinette ran off.

But she was actually going to the park and maybe talk to Adrien but it was only going to be about the project not about the current situation however Marinette knew it might be brought up.

At the park...

"Yes! Ok that's good,that's good.Give me fierce!Bold!"

The photographer shouted things as Adrien posed for pictures. As the photographer moved quickly to get different views,(not that it would make a difference but then again I know nothing about modeling).

Chloe was hiding behind a tree and knew this would be her opportunity when;"Alright break!"shouted the photographer.

"ADRIKKIN'S!"Chloe yelled and ran over to Adrien.

"Oh hi Chloe."Adrien said then he spotted someone hiding behind a tree near the bench.

"Adrien are you Ok?" Chloe questioned.

Adrien turned back to look at Chloe. Marinette took that opportunity to sit down on the bench and took out her sketchbook.

"Um Chloe why don't you head back, I need to rest."Adrien said.

"Of course Adrikkins,anything for you!"She exclaimed and left.

Adrien stood there stunned because it had actually worked! Sighing he headed over to the bench when he noticed Marinette sitting there.

"Oh hi!"Adrien exclaimed, surprised to see her,
"I thought you were working."

"I was. I just needed a break."Marinette replied.

"What are you doing?"Adrien asked looking over her shoulder.

"Just sketching."Marinette replied.

"Well what part of the project are you doing?"Adrien asked.

"The decorating and the part of the project that you and me were supposed to do together."

"Oh Ok," Adrien sat in sad silence as Marinette continued to draw.

'I've gotta speak to her somehow!' Adrien sighed and looked over at Marinette. She was smiling...

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