3: School And Rivals

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"Oh I'm SO nervous Alya!What if I say something wrong,you know how I get mixed up with my words when I'm around him!"Marinette said frantically."Girl calm down!You'll be fine, me and Nino have got everything under control!"Alya said "Besides I'll be telling you what to say the whole time and Nino's going to do the same, but I'm not sure why though."

"Yeah that didn't really work last time when we tried it at the zoo." Marinette pointed out.Alya sighed "Okay so that didn't really work out,I'll think of something else, but on the plus side me and Nino found out how much in common we have and also thanks to Ladybug we are dating!"Alya is Marinette's best friend. She loves to vlog. Especially about Ladybug. Her blog is called the Ladyblog.

She also had been an akuma victim once. She got turned into LadyWifi when she was wrongly suspended when she was trying to find out Ladybug's identity. Fortunately Ladybug (or Marinette) captured the akuma and Alya went back to normal.For Alya's boyfriend Nino, he is the best DJ in Paris. And Adrien's best friend.He also had been akumatized into the Bubbler, who hates adults because Adrien's dad didn't want to do his son's birthday party.

He once had a crush on Marinette but when he got locked up with Alya (courtesy of Ladybug) he found out he actually liked Alya instead!(Crazy right?But it's true,somehow.)
Alya was still trying to comfort and reassure her best friend when she spotted the boy's walking towards them. "Hey girls!"Nino said. That made Marinette come out of her frantic zone but only to be brought back to it as she looked up into Adrien's emerald green eyes.'Oh great!'Marinette thought.'Just my luck!'Marinette quickly stood up.

Adrien stood still,and both ended up bumping each other in the head,Marinette frantically started to apologize. "I'm so sorry!"She said over and over again, with Adrien saying "No, it's ok. I should be the one apologizing!"Alya and Nino tried to stifle back a laugh,as the two continued to apologize."Ok, this isn't working."Marinette said.'What did I just say?!'Marinette thought."Agreed" Adrien said and began to laugh.'Eek! He just agreed with me!' Marinette thought.Not noticing that both she and Adrien had begun to blush.(Oh well, they didn't need to know.)"ADRIKINNS!" Chloe yelled. Running over to Adrien and tripping Marinette so she could get closer to Adrien "Did you miss me?"She looked with a disapproving face as Adrien helped Marinette up.

"Are you ok?"He asked."Yeah I'm fine my head just hurts a little."Marinette said."Ugh! Why do you even care about this brat!"Chloe said."I should be the ONLY one you care about Adrien!""In your dreams Chloe!"Adrien yelled. "Marinette is my friend now leave!" Everyone stared at Chloe."Ugh Ridiculous Utterly Ridiculous!"and she left.

And who would be Chloe? Well that's easy to explain. She is the daughter of the Mayor and often uses it to get what she wants. She thinks Marinette is a brat and is also Adrien's only friend from his early childhood. Their fathers are friends so it is always torture for Adrien when they meet. Poor Adrien! Chloe is the most stuck up person in all of Paris. Except for Lila but that girl is mostly lies. Even her akuma form was based on lies.Anyways, Chloe had also been akumatized because Ladybug called her a liar.

Even though she mainly thinks only of herself she is super obsessed with Ladybug, she even has a replica of her costume! She causes mainly most of the akumas,about 97% to be precise! When she got akumatized she turned into AntiBug a sort of evil copy of Ladybug. Everything was the same except she was evil. She only has one friend,Sabrina and makes sure her "Bff" stays her friend, she even bribes her sometimes.

Sabrina does all her homework and does basically anything Chloe says. Chloe even got Sabrina's dad fired. And caused his akuma. Her father is also under her control. She is over dramatic and makes up the silliest excuses. She is so annoying! To very few she is an angel, to most she is the devil. (I'm surprised most of the former akuma victims Chloe created haven't returned. I mean seriously!) But she always calls Adrien, ADRIKINNS. And always tries to kiss him. He hates it all.And who can really blame him?I definitely don't!

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