18: Punisher Of Love

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Cat Noir ran out of the stall to join Ladybug.

"Well, M'lady good to see you!"

Ladybug smiled before motioning him to follow her lead. "Any idea where the Akuma is Chatton?"

Multiple blasts of light were thrown at the heroes. "Maybe that phone. It's the only thing that looks out of place!"

Ladybug nodded before running toward the villain, yoyo in hand. "More troublemakers! You need punishment for your bad behavior!" Ladybug and Punisher battled while Cat Noir waited for Ladybug's signal. "Now Cat!" Cat Noir readied his cataclysm and touched her weapon. "No! You horrid children! Save me some time and give me your miraculous!"

She ran toward the two heroes and pulled out a second ruler! "Never judge a book by its cover!" Cat Noir took up the fighting while Ladybug called a lucky charm. Oddly enough it was some clay copies of their miraculous. "Cat Noir over here!"

They distracted the villain with the fake copies and it worked! A few minutes later everything was fixed and back to normal. "Miraculous Ladybug!" Soon a beep could be heard from Ladybugs earrings, "I gotta go see ya Cat!" 

The boy grabbed her hand, "M'lady please don't go." Ladybug looked back at the boy, this wasn't like him at all. Sometimes he would try to hold her back but this time his eyes told her he was serious, deadly serious. "Look ladybug. I'm tired of hiding. My feelings for you are so strong but I know you won't accept me. But please at least listen to what I'm saying, please. I know you like someone M'lady but please. Give me a chance."

Ladybug was silent, no she can't. She can't be with someone especially since she can't seem to get away from her ex-crush.

"No, I can't! You're right I did like someone but he rejected me. I've gone to sleep crying countless nights since that happened. I can't be with you Cat!"

Ladybug ran away crying, leaving the poor Cat speechless. His hand reached out to grab her and stop her but he was too weak. He let his transformation go, dropping to his knees sobbing. 

"M'lady please come back."

The cries of both heroes echoed throughout the city, cries of two broken hearts. Crying for this all to be a dream.

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