6: Breaking A Vow

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"How do you think it's going?"Nino asked.

"Knowing Mari she's probably having trouble with telling him."

"Hmm,maybe we should go back."Nino suggested.

They both got up and headed back to school."Hey look someone is running towards us!"Nino informed."

Alya squinted her while shielding her face from the sun.

"Hold on is that...MARINETTE! AND SHE'S CRYING!"

Immediately the couple began to run towards their ailing friend.

"Girl what happened?! "Alya asked as Marinette hugged her.

The sobbing teen only repeated the words: "He rejected me!"

"My man did this?!"Nino exclaimed."Nino quick make sure there aren't any akumas!"Alya ordered frantically.

"Right!"Nino said."Mari think positive I don't want you to be akumatized!"Alya said rubbing Mari's head."Clear!"

Nino announced."Good,Mari I'll take you home."Alya said."Ok"Mari whispered sniffling."

And I'll talk to Adrien he needs to apologize." The young boy crossed his arms with a scowl.

"N-No it's his feelings we can't control them."

"But he shouldn't have let you go, an akuma could have come Mari!"Alya reminded.

"A-alright but please don't hurt him."

"C'mon girl,let's go." The two started to walk towards Marinette's

"How could you Adrien?"Alya hissed.

"OK now to find Adrien, he needs to know what he did!"Nino headed off back to the school to find Adrien.
There was no excuse for his friend to know how much damage he had caused.

However that said friend wasn't happy about it either. Neither was his little cat companion.                                                                
Back at school...

"Kid why did you say that to her?"Plagg asked.

Because I love Ladybug."Adrien replies.

"But that girl seemed to truly have a thing for you and also there are no clues to Ladybugs identity!Plagg reminded him

"So?"Adrien asked clearly still not understand the danger of this situation.

"Ugh kid what about an akuma?!" Plagg snared fed up with this boys obliviousness.

"Oh My Gosh Plagg you're right Marinette could get akumatized!"Adrien exclaimed, just then he heard the familiar voice of his friend.

"ADRIEN! Adrien where are you?!"Nino exclaimed.

"Over here dude!"Adrien replied.

Nino turned and headed toward Adrien."Dude why did you let Mari go and how could you?!"
Nino asked, angry at Adrien for hurting his friend.

"I'm sorry Nino but I just don't like her like that and I didn't mean to let her go." Nino could only rub his temple in frustration.

"Yes I can accept that part but you left her and she could have been AKUMATIZED!"Nino exclaimed.

"I-I know dude and I'm sorry." Adrien held his hands up in defense.

"Well Alya sure isn't happy with you and probably the whole class won't be when they find out,well except for Chloe and Sabrina."Nino commented harshly.

"Nino please I never meant to hurt Marinette!"Adrien pleaded as Nino started to walk away.

"Dude you promised Marinette that you would never be like Chloe."Nino began.

"And I'm not being like Chloe I'm apologizing!"

"You are but you almost let your friend be akumatized, and that's something she would do."Nino pointed out,and with that he walked away angrily.

"What have I done?"Adrien asked.

"You'll figure it out kid."

"Thanks Plagg. I hope your right." Adrien watched the figure of his friend with nothing but guilt in his eyes.


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