4: Adrien My Partner?!

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The bell rang and all the students including Marinette and her friends went to class.
"Alright class, today we will be starting a new project,and I will select each group no exceptions!"The teacher said."I hope I'm not partnered with Chloe again!"Marinette whispered to Alya."Hopefully not girl!"Alya whispered back.The teacher had just said the next group,"Ok so next we have Kim,Sabrina,Chloe, and Max."Marinette took a breath, relieved she wouldn't be with Chloe again.But felt bad for Kim and Max."And then Alya,Nino,Marinette and Adrien." Marinette quickly came out of her thinking moment,stunned by what she heard.'I'm gonna be with ADRIEN!'she thought.Alya patted her on the back."Alright girl!"Alya whispered. Marinette could hardly wait for lunch. So she and Alya could talk with Nino and ADRIEN.

Mainly Adrien but she didn't forget that they were going to discuss about what to do for the project, Not just talk to Adrien and stutter.'Oh no!' Marinette thought,'What if I say something wrong! What will Adrien think?!' She had a hard time focusing until lunch. One because she was worried about an akuma popping up and not getting to talk to Adrien, second what to say to Adrien, and third how she was going to stay serious and not get distracted. The project was more important and the grade would be 40% of their grade for the grading period. 'Don't get distracted Mari,don't!'she thought.Alya and Nino would be there anyway so it would be less awkward, hopefully. But that didn't help her at all. Soon the bell rang for lunch but Marinette was daydreaming.

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