19: Lady Misfortune

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Marinette let her transformation go, as she continued to cry. Tikki tried her best to help the poor girl. 

"Oh Marinette, I'm so sorry! I know it's hard but it'll be ok!"

Marinette looked at the kwami in anger, "It's ok? It's gonna be ok?! The boy I love doesn't love me! And another boy only loves my other half! Which I wouldn't have if it wasn't for you! You ruined my life! I wish I had never said yes! I hate you!"

Tikki gasped, but she knew she couldn't get mad after all this was just the heartbreak talking. Tikki approached the girl slowly but Marinette slapped her away. Tikki could feel the negative energy begin to surround her.

Meanwhile with Adrien...

The boy was crying his eyes out. He eventually stopped but was still upset. Plagg tried his best to comfort the poor boy but nothing was working until he felt negative energy.

"Gah! Kid, you gotta snap outta it! Hawkmoth's coming for ya!" Then both heroes were greeted by Hawkmoth. Both their kwamis begged them not to. Adrien was almost covered in the purple ooze when he woke up. 

He fought it off, there was still time to make amends with his partner. All hope wasn't lost. But Marinette wasn't so strong and she let her negative emotions win. 

When she stood up there was Ladybug but in dark purple and black with deadly purple eyes. She looked over at the kwami who was shaking in fear. "M-Marinette?" The girl laughed, "Marinette isn't here anymore sweetie! Now come here and give me the earrings!" Tikki flew off with the earrings but Lady Misfortune was on her tail.

"Get back here you little bug!" Adrien was gasping for breath before a gust of wind almost knocked him off the building. He looked up and to his horror there was Ladybug... chasing her kwami. "She wasn't strong enough! Gah! This is all my fault!" Adrien transformed before hopping off hoping to catch her. 

Finally, she stopped and turned around. Cat Noir gulped, her eyes looked so evil, there seemed to be no trace left of the kind baker's daughter. "Cat Noir! My lying partner! Let's dance shall we?" Cat Noir nodded before they both attacked, Ladybug was more skilled but thankfully Cat Noir was able to keep up. Until her whip came down and sliced him in the arm.

"Gah!" Lady Misfortune laughed before lunging at the boy again. He dodged it just in time as she fell off the building. She hopped on to another but looked out of breath.

"It's not over yet Cat! I'll be back! And you're going to give me that miraculous!" Cat Noir fell to the ground in exhaustion, the sun was setting so he headed on home. Thankfully no one noticed he was gone but before going to bed he made sure to lock the windows and have them shocked with electricity. Tomorrow he would visit the guardian to see if he could help him save the love of his life.

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