26: Savior

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The wind whistled loudly as the trees pounded against the mansion. Inside Misfortune could practically hear her heart pumping out of her chest. It was over. Hawkmoth had won. No doubt Chat Noir would give his miraculous once he saw her. Surely Hawkmoth would strike a deal, Paris or her. She knew that Cat's undefined loyalty would be his downfall. How could things have gone so wrong?

Suddenly a loud crash awoke Misfortune from her thoughts. There stood a woman who resembled a blue peacock. She was dressed in a long deep blue skin tight dress that spread out towards the end with large peacock feathers. Her mask was a dark blue with three long peacock feathers and one large dark blue gem. Behind it, long golden hair was tied into a braid while her emerald eyes scanned the room.
Hawkmoth and Natalie turned around, their eyes widening in shock.
"Simple dear husband. I merely gave you a fake and I went on to protect my home. England."
"Sir. How is this possible?"
"The miraculous works in amazing ways. You didn't actually think I'd be so careless as to leave my beloved kwami? Did you?"
The mysterious woman did not wait for an answer and wasted no time in breaking Misfortune free. "C'mon we need to get out of here."
Without a hint of hesitation, Misfortune stood up and ran over to the broken window. However, someone stopped in front of them.
"And where do you think you're going?"
"Oh, my dear friend Natalie. What's happened to you?"
"Fine by me."
The women pushed past a shocked Natalie and ran toward the broken window with Misfortune close behind. Suddenly the young villain felt her leg being pulled back.
"Let me go!"
"Not a chance!"
"Yes. You. Will!"
In one swift movement, the women shoved Natalie off into the wall opposite them. "H-how did you-"
"No time to explain. We need to leave. Now."

The next few seconds went by in a blur, Misfortune felt the weight of exhaustion beginning to take over.

"Sweetie? You have to keep up!"
Misfortune nodded, even if her legs were aching she knew that if they didn't get farther away Hawkmoth would surely find them.


Natalie looked up at the man as he turned around walking in circles.
"This can't be possible. Natalie, please tell me my wife did not just jump through that window. Instead, Misfortune just escaped on her own? Please."
"Say it!"
"I... I'm sorry sir. But your wife was here."
"Gah! For years I took all my time to surround a fake corpse with nothing but love! I turned to the miraculous to bring back a fake corpse!"
"Sir. Please calm down! You could alert the rest of the staff!"
"I don't care! They deserve to know what my wife did! She lied to me! Deceived me! Because of her, I chose the route of evil!"
"Sir if you could just."
Natalie approached Gabriel and tried to put a hand on his cheek but he slapped her away.
"No! I will not listen to your lies! I shouldn't have listened to you from the start! You're my wife's best friend! Of course, you probably knew all along that I had a fake corpse in my possession. Didn't you?!"
"No, sir. She has not been my friend for years. Ever since the day she betrayed me. I too was blinded by her lies. I had no involvement in her scheme."
"If that is true. Then you will need to prove your loyalty to me."
"Of course sir. What must I do?"
"Find out who Chat Noir is and bring back his ring."
"But that-"
"Shouldn't be too difficult, correct?"
"Yes, sir."


"I'm so sorry sweetie. My home is a bit far."
"No problem ms. I completely understand. It's much better than being out in the cold."
"Yes. Now let me see your injuries."
Misfortune held out her arms and hand which was coated in dried blood. She gritted her teeth in pain, especially when the woman touched her hand.
"Why did they do this?"
Misfortune looked down, how could she explain that she had lost to Hawkmoth?
"It was a ritual. Apparently Hawkmoth just needed my blood or something else and he could use my miraculous. His assistant, Natalie, cut my hand to get some blood. They planned on using me to lure my partner. He's the last piece."
The peacock holder hugged the young girl, rubbing light circles along her back.
"You poor dear. No child should go through that. No matter the circumstances. But what of your partner? Have you seen him since..."
"Since I was akumatized? Yes, I have. Though it was when I was under the influence of your husband. However, since then I have not. But what good would that do? Hawkmoth would use me to lure him into giving up his miraculous. "
"I understand. But it is good to have a loyal partner. Look what happened to me. My husband grew blinded by greed and power. He grew distant and cold toward my only child. If anything you are so lucky to have a partner who you can trust. Who will throw himself to save you."

Misfortune was about to respond when she heard talking coming from the river nearby.
"What is it?"
"I-I don't know. But that voice. Is familiar."

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