5: Rejection

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Alya pulled on Marinette's arm,"C'mon let's go!"
Marinette groaned,got up and managed to grab her bag as Alya ran out of the classroom,pulling her arm. Meanwhile the boys had already left and were sitting beside the stairs.
"Hey guys!" Alya yelled, waving her hand while dragging Marinette with her.'Oh great, she FINALLY stopped!' Marinette thought to herself as she rubbed her arm.
"Was that really necessary?" Marinette asked.
"Well I knew it would take you FOREVER to get here so I thought it was worth it,"Alya said. "Well tell that to my arm!" Marinette exclaimed. Adrien burst out laughing and Nino quickly caught on.
"What's so funny you two?" Alya asked.
"N-Nothing!" Nino said laughing,"But I have to hand it to you Marinette, that was funny!"Adrien exclaimed. "R-Really?"Marinette asked, surprised at how funny Adrien and Nino thought this was.

Finally after a few moments of more laughter, Nino and Adrien caught their breath and stopped."ALRIGHT, now that we are done with that let's focus!"Nino said."Ok so how should we do this?" Adrien asked.Alya thought then got an idea,"How 'bout me and Nino do half the project and you two,"She gestured to Marinette and Adrien"will do the other half,sound good?" "Sure!"Adrien said."Is that ok Mari?"'Uh... s-sure."Marinette said nervously.There was no going back now.And she was sure of one thing she was mad at Alya.

Outside the school...

"Oh come on Marinette I said I was sorry!"Alya exclaimed."Oh yeah then why did you say that?"Marinette asked."I thought it would be a good idea!"Alya said."Why are y'all dudes yelling?"Nino asked."Oops looks like we may have gotten too loud girl."Alya said."Why are y'all dudes yelling anyway?"Nino asked again."Ugh,Marinette's mad cause I put her and Adrien together."Alya said."Oh,I see.."Nino said."See what?" Everyone turned to look at Adrien."Hey man!Um,we were just discussing,um...LADYBUG'S IDENTITY!"Nino exclaimed."Right girls?"Nino turned to face them."Uh,yeah! Right Marinette?"Alya poked her in the elbow."Uh Marinette?Earth to Mari!"Alya exclaimed shaking Marinette."Oops sorry I was...thinking?"Marinette said."Um ok well,actually Marinette needs to tell you something Adrien."Alya said,"Oh Ok what do you need to tell me?"Adrien asked."Let's give them some space"Alya whispered.
"Ok"Nino said."We will be right back!"Alya exclaimed and then ran off with Nino."Well anyway,Mari what did you need to tell me?"Adrien asked,'I guess this is the plan...'she thought."Well adrien...I...I LIKE YOU!"Marinette exclaimed."Oh,I'm...I'm sorry Mari but I already like someone."Adrien said,"Ok,that's fine!"Marinette exclaimed,she turned away and said"I think I need to go!"Marinette said,and ran away crying.

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