17| Brocolli Is Just Bleh

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Cool Kids - Echosmith

17| Brocolli Is Just Bleh


"First question," Max starts, eagerly leaning closer to me. "What is my least favorite vegetable?"

Easy question. I recall our second date very well. Max took me to a small restaurant in the city and ordered a roast dinner. As soon as he saw what was in the dish, he went crazy. He complained to our poor waiter for ten minutes that he brought that disgusting and abysmal thing to him. I remember trying to cover my giggles with coughs because it was so bizarre. I mean, he was acting irrationally. It was excessive to act like that for a bit of broccoli but I didn't mind. It was the high light of my day.

Personally, now that I remember, I think he acted like that on purpose just to make me laugh. The sly looks he gave me when I was having 'coughing' fits was a clear indicator that he actually just wanted to get me laughing.

Oh, Max.

"Broccoli," I confidently reply, smirking.

Max cockily raises his eyebrow, the ends of his lips tugging upwards. "You sure?"

I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Yes, I'm sure. Stop trying to make me doubt myself."

Max holds his arms up in mock surrender. "Woah, sunshine. I didn't do anything. You're the one jumping to conclusions here."

I give Max a cold glare and purse my lips. Stupid Max. Once again he's teasing me. I swear, this boy is going to be the death of me with all of his teasing.

"I'm positive Max."

Max leaves another dramatic pause, trying to make suspense. Or perhaps its just to aggravate me even more. I bet its the latter.

Much to my irritation, it's working as well.

I've always been short tempered. A lovely trait that I inherited from my father. We both get mad at simple things; explode. And when I say explode, we do. Except I don't have steam coming out of my ears. As comical as that is, I don't get that angry.

"Congratulations Sunshine, you're right," Max gives me a breathtaking smile and claps his hands together. "That...I can't even call it food because it's too offensive. Its just so...so bleh."

"Right," I give him an unsure nod. "What's my favorite fast food place?"

There's a pregnant pause between the two of us as Max thoroughly thinks through this. I feel like I can see the wheels turning in his head. His brown eyes will occasionally flicker up to my eyes and he would look like he has an answer but then he would look away and shake his head. Like he was mentally shaking his head.

I must admit, Max does look very cute. Childlike.

"McDonald's!" He exclaims. "You're favorite fast food place is McDonald's because you're obsessed with the chicken nuggets."

Internally, I smile. He remembered. He even remembered the chicken nuggets fact. I'm touched, very touched indeed.

"Yup," I say, popping the 'p'. "I'm actually surprised. Not going to lie."

Max fake gasps and places a hand on his heart. He puckers his lip out and gives me sad puppy eyes. "I. Am. Hurt. Of course, I would remember. You wound me Sunshine."

I can't help it but I end up in a laughing fit. His face, his voice...it was so dramatic and funny. I have to lift my head up to stop the water that's welling up in my eyes to fall down my cheeks.

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