26 | The Troubles With Bree

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This Is Love - will.i.am feat. Eva Simons

26 | The Troubles With Bree


Max and I made it back to LA just in time for the dinner. We both stumbled into the restaurant, apologizing to our parents who only gave us amused looks. Its been no secret that my parents always liked us together. Many times they have hinted for us to marry.

They were absolutely shocked when we split. My mother especially, who demanded to know what was wrong. When I refused to tell her, she practically begged me to give Max a second chance.

"So, where did you two go?" Max's mom, Callie, asked. She is an awfully sweet lady, who always had a smile on her face. Her brown eyes, that Max also has, twinkle in delight.

"To the beach," I answer, smiling.

Callie then flings her arms around me from her seat next to me. Briefly, I close my eyes and melt in her sweet, cinnamon scent. Callie is one of the many things I missed when I left Max.

"How are you, sweetie?" She murmurs.

Smiling when Callie pulls away, I answer her. "Alright. I missed you though."

Callie puts a hand on her heart, giving me a flattering look. "I'm touched Ava, I really am. I knew I loved you for a reason."

I laugh loudly at that, throwing my head back. Max catches my eye, noticing my enthusiasm. He stops his conversation with my parents and simply stares at me. Events like this were something we used to love. It bonded us closer together, strengthen our relationship.

"How's school going Ava?" Max's dad, Julian, asks me with interest.

And so that's how the evening goes - with me catching up with Max's parents and him doing the same with our parents. After we ate the delicious and divine meal, Max and I leave, letting our parents catch up more and make arrangements for the future. Max leads me to his car and politely opens his door, mock bowing. I laugh, rolling my eyes.

The car journey, once again, is spent with us singing and bouncing in our seats to songs.

Eventually, Max pulls up to my house. I suck in a breath and stare at it for a second. This could be the last time Max and I have a moment like this. Everything is going to change - I can feel it. I'm terrified that I will never see him again, I will never have moments like this again but I'm also excited about the future. The very prospect of graduating is chillingly extravagant.

I turn my face back to Max, observing him. His face, his eyes, say the same as mine does. But we both know, we both realized, that we have our lives ahead of us and we need to discover things alone.

Suddenly, I hug Max. His arms instantly wrap around my form, bringing me closer to him. I nestle my head into his neck and breathe in his masculine scent. Max tightens his grip on me when he realizes what I'm doing.

Reluctantly, I pull away from him. My body yearns for his but I ignore it. Instead, I listen to that rational voice in my head. My right-hand moves to the door handle, whilst I stay focused on Max. We stare at each other like this is our last meeting, that this is our last time together.

"You're amazing. Remember that." I say and get out of the car, lifting my bag up in the process. Slamming the door shut, I march up to my house, feeling his eyes on me.

I don't turn back.


On Monday, the first day of Max and I was separated but were still close to each other, I searched for Bree. Its about time the mess with Harry was sorted. Bree is slowly beginning to worm her way into my heart; the very thought of her hurt makes me mad to no end. So I want to help her sort things out with Harry.

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