25 | Honesty Isn't Always The Best Policy

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The Nights - Avicii

25 | Honesty Isn't The Best Policy


When my alarm went off for the ridiculously early time of six am, I was not happy. Grumbling and groaning, I very reluctantly got out of my bed. My head was throbbing from last night, my muscles achy.

Faintly, I recall moments of the events that took place last night. Getting drunk was definitely something I can remember, along with kissing some guy and Max getting angry. What I can vividly remember is my conversation with Max.

Guilt overwashes me. I asked him to do something so selfless, to basically put his life on hold for me. I'm such a selfish person.

Tumbling out of my bed, I stumble over to my wardrobe and pick an outfit to wear. The first thing I pack when I'm putting my stuff in a bag is my swimming costume and a towel. Max specifically told me to bring that - though, I'm still completely unsure why.

My parents are still fast asleep in their room. Tonight we are going out for dinner with Max's family for a reunion meal. Wherever Max is taking me shouldn't be so far since we need to be back for eight.

Before I leave my room, I take an aspirin for the mild headache going on in my head. Scribbling a note on the fridge for my parents, I pour myself a cup of orange juice and pick an apple out from the fruit bowl. Not long after biting into my apple, a honk sounds. Smiling to myself, I down the orange juice and swing my bag over my shoulder.

Max is seated in his expensive, flashy car, waiting for me. I open the door and let the smell of new car fill my senses.

"Hi," I say, flashing him an uncertain smile. The feeling of apprehension stays with me. What if things begin to become awkward between us since the talk? What if Max doesn't even want to be friends with me?

God, honesty isn't always the best policy.

Max turns to me, his handsome face expressionless. My shoulder slump in dread, my heart stopping momentarily.

"Are you okay?" He finally speaks, his eyes lightening up for a split moment.

Nodding my head, I pull the seatbelt over my body. "I have a bit of a headache but I took an aspirin so I should be fine. What-what about you?"

Max starts the engine, letting the sweet sound of the powerful engine resound through the empty area. I hope nobody heard it.


I turn to face him, chewing anxiously on my lip. What I really want to ask him is if he's still okay with what I said last night. Now that he's slept on it, he's had a lot of time to think about it. If he's not okay with my decision, he will probably tell me today.

Max switches on the radio to tune out the silence, keeping the current track on. When I hear the song Changes by Bowie, I sit up straighter and hum to the song. The song reminds me of my childhood when I used to love watching the film Shrek 2. Max notices my excited mood and chuckles.

And just like that, it's as if whatever tension in the car just disappears. Max joins in singing and together, with the windows down, we sway and sing.

I don't question when we get onto the highway or when we start getting further and further away from LA. Neither do I question when we turn off the highway and onto a long road.

We drive and drive, listening to the songs and bobbing our heads up and down. After a while of Max driving on a busy road, I look at the clock on the dashboard. I nearly gasp when I see that its nearly ten in the morning. We had been driving for three hours and I had no idea!

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