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Being a 17 year old and having a child is not easy. I have a little girl named Mari (MA-REE) she has long blond hair with hazel eyes and pal as ever. She has the most tiniest body for a 3 year old but is the most precious thing. I am also a single mom. 15 years old I was pregnant and learned to deal with the stares and big sweaters. Obviously I wasn't thinking right when I decided to let someone take my virginity. I thought I was a bad ass and did it. Turns out the guy that got me pregnant by accidentally... never mind. He ended up breaking up with me and saying its not his. Idiot. As I was stuck with yelling parents, harsh words, dirty stares, and heart ache. And what dis he get? Nothing like i got thats for sure. People new I had a daughter so the was no biggie about keeping the whole thing a secret. I ended up getting a part time job at hot topic and soon to be job as a merch girl for a band called pierce the veil. I new them but I never really had the time to listen to them.

I was on my way to my locker and ran into mr.heatbreaker. Ryan.

I rolled my eyes at the look he gave me. "watch It slut." he said about to walk away. " be careful what you say baby daddy." I said back while starring at him dead in the eye. He starred at me with shock and I just raised my eyebrow quickly and walked away with my head up high. I guess you could call me the school bitch when it comes to people trying to treat me. Half of the people don't even look at me because their afraid i'll snap their neck or something. I feel bad for them. So I just smile. Not like 'that's what I thought smile' but like a sorry smile.

I got to my locker and did my combo "46...19...38..." I said to myself. I opened my locker and was about to get my things. Until someone slammed it as I was quickly pulling my hands out.

I looked at my hands in terror.Oh my burrito I almost got my hands chopped off by my own locker. I turned slowly to the direction where the person who decided to almost make my life a living hell. I saw the coach bag and imminently recognized the pink crop top shirt that was tighter then ever. I narrowed my eyes and yelled " hey!" she turned around and there she was. Her long blond hair whipped around and her blue eyes was just sparkling. I walked to her while she was slightly smiling at me as I stomped my was over there. She was much taller me.but not that tall to smack the smile from her face. "what?" she said looking innocent. I shook my head.


"sorry it was in my way." she said looking at her nails and quickly shot her head back up.

"aw you think I'm pretty?" she said putting her hand up to her chest acting like she was pleased.

" no, fake." I said through clench teach.

Her eyes were sparkling and soon turned to fiery blue eyes.

I walked away satisfied of her face that was turning red with anger. I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder and it turned me around quickly.

"listen here slut," Ashely said while walking forward while making me me walk back.

" I don't know who you think you are thinking your better then everyone else. Your nothing but a 17 year old girl who got knocked up at 15 and now having a daughter with no father. All you are at this school is phony slut you hear me?!" she looked like she was getting crazy eyes while her finger was pointing at me. it was kinda weird knowing she new most of the things about me. But that didn't stop me from treating her white ass.

" HA," I started laughing my ass off.

"what you mad because what i said was true? And do you really think that would effect me? Honey I went through worse. And stalk much?You obviously have nothing on me besides having a daughter at a young age. That's what everyone has on me but nothing else. YOU are just a attention whore that just wants eyes all on you. And I work pretty damn hard to get my child things that she needs with no help. So stop being a douche bag and mind your own damn business." I said while throwing my hands In the air and walked away while everyone was applauding for the performance that had started in the middle of the hallway.

I got out of my car and walked into a flight of stairs. I ran up finding my apartment keys. I walked through the hallway and at a door that had 2 fancy writing with numbers 26. I jammed my key into the key hole and turning it in different directions while hearing the chains and different keys jiggle making noises I opened it up a bit and waited. I herd little foot steps and stop. Not to far away from the door. "mmm-mmooommy?" I smiled while looking at my shoes. I Open the door widely and squatted down with my ams out wide while smiling trying to show all my teeth with my eyes closed and head slightly back. I herd little feet paddling coming my way and a big thump. looking at my daughter that was on the floor smiling and getting back up quickly running to me. Her short arms went around my neck and feeling her small hands close to my neck. She was standing on her tip toes. Her head was on my shoulder and I could just feel her smile which made me even smile even more. "you're home mommy" she whispered in her tiny voice while hugging me with all her might.

" I'm home baby girl." I said squeezing her little body a bit tighter.

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