Family Time

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i woke up to my phone binging repeatedly. i grabbed my phone off its charger and decided to check what the binging was.
it was all instagram.
all. night. long.
i decided it was time to get up and go see what was happening down stairs.
i was in my big tee and my softie shorts now. i walked past the bedrooms as quiet as it could be and tip toed down the big stair case. it was a complete mess. there was red cups everywhere. some band members scattered around, cake on the ceiling. omg. how the...never mind.
i went into the kitchen stepping over the garbage and people.
Austin🐽- Hey Darling, you busy?
Me- about to cook and clean while everybody's sleeping.
Austin🐽- need help?
Me- no, no thank you im an grown women Carlile
Austin🐽- on my way buttercup
i rolled me eyes. why doesn't he listen.
i got a garbage bag and began picking up the mess. i was bending down to get the cup that still had liquid in it until i felt someone stare at me. i turned to see Mr. Austin Carlile starring at me ass.
"uh-um-i just came to help." he stuttered while scratching the back of his neck. i walked up to him stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek.
"good morning" i said and walked away smiling.
he followed me smiling down at his shoes.
i grabbed a garbage bag and handed it to him while i tied the one that was full.
"im going to get cooking since the kitchen is already clean." i said putting the bag by the front door.
" okay i'll clean" he said smiling.
i nodded and began taking everything out.
eggs,bacon,biscuits, sausage, fruits, and then some pancake mix.
i took out a couple of pans and some pan sheets and bit the biscuits in on there. i put it in the pre heated oven and turned the stove on. i cracked some eggs open and began making scramble eggs. i mixed in all the ingredients that i need for pancakes and but it in the pan. and another pan for the bacon.
1 hour later.
i was putting everything on a plate on an table that held bar stools. i was cutting some fruits and put them in a bowl for baby girl. she loves fruit.
"hey" i herd Austin and felt his arms slither around my waist.
"hey" i whispered.
"everything clean?" i asked?
"yeah! it was kind of tricky trying not to wake everybody up." he said chuckling.
i chuckled my self as i cut up more fruit and put it in the blender with some milk. i took out our big bottle of Advil and a couple of water bottles.
i smirked at Austin as i pressed the power button.
soon the house was echoing the loud noise the blender made.
everybody walked in groaning and whining. i soon turned it off and handed them each a pill and water.
"thanks val."they all murmured at different times.
"yeah yeah." i said.
" go sit down and eat boys" i said to them.
Mike came with half awake Marie in his arms and kissed my head.
"Thank you." he mumbled.
i nodded and got Marie in my arms instead.
" hey babygirl." i cooed.
"guess whose here!" i said excitedly. i walked to Austin waiting for me.
"hey there munchkin." he said kissing her forehead.
" his daddy." she said smiling.
i looked at Austin to find anything wrong with her calling him daddy.
nothing. all he did was smile.
lets go eat he said picking her up off my arms. we sat down while Marie was in his arms. i past her fruit and gave her a fork.
we were all eating and laughing at the memories last night.
" oh my god did anybody else see Dannielle curse that girl out and kicked her out because she was flirting with Vic?" said Alysha laughing.
"oh my god yes i did! who is she?" asked jess
" oh she was Taylor Yorks ex from the band Paramore! he broke up with her because she cheating while he was touring. later on she became a porn star called Red." i said
"oh that reminds me did you know Hayley got engaged? yeah on Christmas. What a lucky girl. i hope i get a ring on my finger someday."said Dani.
"Vic,honey, thats a hint." i said laughing.
"one day." he said kissing her head.
i smiled looking down and notice i was still in my big t-shirt and softies.
"its find you look cute." said austin putting an arm around me smiling making me smile.
"aw" said Jaime.
"young love" he said.
"how old are you Val?" asked jaime.
" well i turned 19"
"your 19" asked Austin.
"well yeah. i had Marie when i was about 14 close to 15." i said nodding my head.
" if you dont mind me asking, why would you want to get pregnant at a young age?" asked Erin.
Marie was already playing with some guys that had past out last night. so i was safe.
"i didnt. i went to a party and stormed out a bit upset. i got jumped by some guys from my school and each of them...r-raped me. they didnt know it was me though. so the kept going. i tried to wiggle out of their grip and tried to scream. but i always got either kicked or punch and if im lucky a slap in the face. they noticed it was me and scrambled off." i said with a sad smile.
" so i didnt chose to be pregnant at a young age. actually i was planning putting the baby into the orphanage after it was time. it was my only option to my parents. i can either put her in the orphanage or i can keep her and leave. i kept her and left. stayed at my grandmothers for a year. moved out when she past. and i had my own apartment and a job to keep up with the payments by the time i was 16. and then a miracle happen. i was working one day and a guy asked me if i would like to see the world out of a tour bus. i paid more then my job i worked at back at home. so i took it. and now im here." i said smiling.
"im sorry i asked Val" Erin said with a sad smile.
" oh no it fine! i was going to have to tell you guys sooner or later.Thanks for asking Darling." i said giving her a smile.
"well were glade you're here." said Vic.
"yeah" they all chanted.

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