Grocery Store

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"well your little girlfriend here thinks youre about to cheat on her!"
"yeah i know i thought it was so stupid that she would think that like who even thinks that?!" i said throwing up my hands.
"is she jealous?" he asked with a worried face.
"uhh.i think so..."
"im just gonna-yeah."
i said leaving the room.
i ran into someone once i walked out of the room.
"oops sorry val!" i herd Jaimes voice say landing me a hand to get me up.
i grabbed it once i was rubbing my lower back.
"ow...yeah its fine." i said smiling at him weekly.
"hey you okay?" he asked giving me a worried look.
"oh yeah dont worry jaime im fine it was in accident!" i said smiling.
"or was it?" he said giving me a mysterious look.
"jaime!" i gasped
"i was just playin' with ya val" he said chuckling.
"you better mister" i said pointing my finger at him.
i ran down the big staircase and grabbed my wallet and keys from the counter.
"MARIE!" i yelled.
i got no response..
"MARIE!" i yelled again.
i began to worry and look around the house.
i went into my room, her room, the guest room, the boys room, basement, backyard, front yard,
i checked everywhe-wait.
the kitchen!
i ran into the kitchen with my pink hair flying behind me.
she turned around with peanut butter on her nose. i giggled which made her giggle which made me laugh..and then she laughed. she is so contagious.
i looked around to see erin and the girls smiling. even Dani. Alysha was holding up a camera and smiled at us.
"mamas going to the store wanna come? or are you staying with your Auntys?"
"can i stay with them? were making apple peanut butter!" she said smiling.
"okay baby girl be nice and thank them after. you girls want anything?"
they all shook their heads and smiled. i smiled back and walked out the beautiful home.
i arrived at the store and began looking before i got a text from my ninja turtle

hey val party tonight get some stuff for you ladies could could make heaven yeah?

yeah np!

i sent looking at the screen while pushing the cart in front of me until something got in my way.
i look up to find a man with sleeves of tattoos. he was tall and muscular.
then he smiled...oh that was beautiful..his teeth was was whiter then a pearl.
i saw his arm on the end of my cart and he just starred at me.
"uh-uh excuse me your in my way-" i stuttered out looking away
"excuse me ma'am?" he started out
"but your cart wheel is on my awesome black vans which behind it is my soon to be crush toe." he said giving me half smile.
i quickly rolled it off with a panic
"i-i-i-im sooo sorry im just in a hurry and i wasent paying attention.."
i was keep on talking but i was keep on looking at his face which held in forming hot smile hes just so beautiful. thats all i want to tell him. straight up. its not like i'll see him again ill just say
"your so gorgeous."
is smiled stayed but one eyebrow went up slowly.
"uhhh. i said that out loud. didnt i?"
i said nodding and scrunching up my nose alittle.
"yeah but its ok. your gorgeous yourself." he said walking away winking.
i looked back to already seeing him starring back smiling and laughing.
oh my god.
i think i just shitted myself.

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