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i pulled a chair out from another table and put it next to mine.

"thanks" said brian

i smiled at him and sat down myself.

i passed the boys their napkins and whipped Marie's off.

i was beginning to eat mine and i herd Brian chuckled

"what so funny?" i asked frowning

"you have something on your nose" he said smiling

"oh"i said blushing

"aw," he started

"your blushing" she said poking me while mocking me.

"i rolled my eyes and said

"im a pro at getting this off my nose with my tongue"

"okay do it than" he said crossing his arms across his chest

i sticked my tongue out and reached for the tip of my nose

"not even close" he said smirking

"ugh be quiet" i said shoving him lightly

"here" he said getting closer

i was staring right into those beautiful blue eyes while he got closer and closer looking at mine.

i felt wetness on my nose still have eye contact with each other.

his eyes began to crinkle up showing that he was smiling which made me smile and we were just..starring. until..

"WHAT THE FUCK?" i herd Mike yell

"bro," said Tony calmly to us



we both looked at them with blood shot faces

"Marie," said Mike

"yes uncle Mike" she said like she was saluting or something

"do you approve?" he said still starring

"NO" said Marie

"Princess Marie does not approve" said Vic crossing his arms across his chest

i rolled my eyes at them.

"um, im going to get going"

brian said confusingly scarred

""i said not able to speak right

he nodded with wide eyes and walked out.


"this has GOT to STOP! I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN THE GUYS NUMBER FOR GOD SAKES!" i yelled getting frustrated about their child games.

i put my head in my hands and began crying from frustration. i began to whimper

"look Val were sorry we just-" jaime began but i rudely interrupted

i put my hand up for him to stop talking

"lets just go home" i said tiredly.

the only reason i cried was because i was frustrated and i hate being so lonely all the time. they ALWAYS did this. for the past 6 months on tour guys started talking to me and began complicating me on my looks and such. but noooo the boys all had to say something and let princesse Marie be the judge of my love life. ugh i hate this.

as were walking out i bumped into someone

i stumbled and was about to fall until someone caught my arm and brung me back up. he opened my eyes and saw the familliar crystal blue ones..Brian?

"oh hey" he said pulling me back up

"good catch"i said wide eyed scarred that i could of hit the ground on my head so hard i could of lost memory or died.

"yeah..OH um i forgot to give you my number, i hope you dont mind?" he said unsure

i blinked once and smiled i gave him my phone and ge gave me his and wrote our numbers down.

"maybe we can see each other again in the future?" he asked

"of course" i said giving him a smile.

we hugged and went our separate ways. i turned around and saw that he was looking at me and hearing the boys talk to me but i didnt care

our eyes were locked.



"i think im inlove" i whispered

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