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i was putting all the band merch away putting them into boxes.

"hey do u no where i can find Tony Perry?" said a voice. I turned around finding my long crush in freshmen year.

"oh my god Valentina?!" asked the voice i adored.

"Victoria?!" i asked like i the same tone.

Victoria and I were friends for such a long time. we began to have this weird connection thing and became closer. towards the end of freshmen year her sophomore boyfriend Daniel through a huge ass party and Victoria and i ended up making out. we were both pretty sober since either of us dont drink as much. we cherished the moment we had togather at that moment. we were sitting their talking until i had to use the bathroom. i walked in on Daniel taking a piss. i closed the door quickly and tried to get the disturbing image of my best friends boyfriends penis. he came out and apologized. we awkwardly went down stairs togather to see Victoria on the same couch but making out with another school jock. we were both surprised. i guess he got all mad because next thing i know it my lips are locked in with Daniels. after the kiss he starred into my eyes and said he 'loved me'. Victoria gotten mad,smacked me, called me a slut, and walked off with Daniel. ever since that day they both weirdly changed schools. Daniel became my personal stalker also. but i think her stopped right before i found out was have a baby. now idk what he is or does.

"omg Val!" she said hugging me.

i hugged back and we began to catch up. turns out her and Daniel were togather for 5 years and he proposed. but she said no because the ring wasn't big enough.

"so why are you here?" she asked while smiling

"oh i work here for hot mexicans called pierce the veil?" i aid with my hands on my hips nodding slightly.

"aw sweet! im i wish i could work for that band and get my hands all nice and filthy." she said winking. "but instead im here for a mexican that works for the PTV crew with 3 other guys. ugh what i get myself into again?" she said shaking her head.

" well let me get the last box and ill show you the way there." i said smiling. i picked up the box and carried it. we made it to the bus and i was exhausted. i opened the door and put the box down by the side of the door. Victoria was making a wierd face while looking around the bus.

"Victoria its a bus. not a house." i said walking away trying to find Tony. i found him in the 'living room' playing video games.

"hey Tony Victoria is by the front door." i said before going back to clean up. there was a pizza box breadsticks pop cans and pepperoni on the chairs everywhere. i began cleaning up the mess and Victoria was just being impatient about waiting for Tony for the past 5 minutes.

"oh omg and they say girls take forever" she said in a annoyed voice.

"Dude its been 5 minutes. calm down." i said laughing a bit.

"PERRY!" i yelled

"Coming!" i herd Tony yelled behind me.

he walked in holding Mari and began speaking. "i found the little monster in my bed." tony said caring mari.

"you. have. a. child?" Victoria said through gritted teeth.

"yeah?" said tony giving me a look saying go with it.

"whose the mom?" said Victoria.

"uh Val." he said in a obvious tone.

Victoria looked at me and began yelling "fucking skank! how many times are you going to do this to all the boyfriends i have? this is the second time Valentina! your such a bitch and you deserve to die." she said with crazy eyes.

" dude what the fuck cant you take a joke? obviously you cant, goddamn. and last time i checked your BOYFRIEND kissed ME. he was mad because you were kissing another dude! and the worst part is you WEREN'T drunk. get the hell out of here with that bullshit. im pretty sure your only here to marry him for his damn money." i said crossing my arms.

"uh Tony?" she said pointing at me.

"uh Victoria out?" i said.

she looked at tony and he turned away. i smirked at he as she stomped off the bus.

"sorry tone but you had no idea what you were going to get your self into. she just told me before we got in here that she broke up with a guy which who she was with for the past 5 years and he proposed to her and she said no to him because the ring wasn't BIG ENOUGH." i said getting angry by just talking about it.

"i figured." he said.

"hey i think something is wrong with Mari. she through up blood last night." said tony in a worried voice. Mari has been throwing up blood for the past 3 months. the doctors said it was nothing. before the tour, on my graduation day she stopped breathing in the car. as soon as we were out of the car running to the hospital doors vic was carring her which made her throw up blood and her gasping for air. the doctors predicted that when she was sleeping with her head tilted back she was ment to throw up blood but since her head was positioned she ended up chocking on it.

"yeah i think we need to go to to the emergency room again." i said stoking her back.

"mommy my bones hurt." Mari said whinning "and my head." she said putting her head on Tonys shoulder.

"i know baby." i said giving her a sad smile. vic came out told us that Of Mice And Men are coming to hang out. right at that moment Alan walked in.

"Hey princess" said Mari quietly.

"hey kitty." said Alan with a worried voice.

" whats wrong?" he said making a pouty face

" i don't feel good." she said clutching her tiny body.

"im sorry." he said stroking her arm.

"why you sorry?" said Austin coming in.

"Kitty doesn't feel well." he said.

"whats wrong with her?" Austin asked.

"shes keep on saying her bones and head hurts. and she wakes up alot to go puke up blood." i said while shaking my head.

"hey shes gotten much taller in the past 2 weeks ive saw her!" said Alan.

"yeah! she has. her chest is like popping out now also. and she has some pretty flexible joints." i said.

when Mari and i first met the boys she was much shorter. barley up to Mikes knee. now shes up to Mikes thigh and just recently turned 4 last month. shes growing much faster now. shes beginning to look skinny but she eats like shes starving. i was taking her a bath and her chest was outwards also. i dont know what wrong with her.

"um. Val could i speak with you for a sec?" asked Austin.

"yeah sure." i followed him outside and i leaned on the bus.

" whats up?" i said confused?

"i-i-i th-" Austin said stuttering.

"spit it out Carlile!" i said impatient.

"i...I think Mari has Marfan Syndrome."

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