Im sorry i didnt catch your name?

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i drove home having that guys face in my head.
i arrived home and parked the car into the wide driveway. i turned the key to turn off the car and walked into my new home.
"home!" i called out.
"hey boys?" i said as they all ran down the stairs pushing each other
"no you move"
"come you guys!-ow! Jaime! stop biting!"
"well then stop messing up my hair-and get out my ways you fatass!"
"OK OK COME ON BOYS HELP OUT WITH THE GROCERY BAGS YEAH?" i yelled as the finally ran down still a bit shoving and went to the car. i shook my head chuckling as i went further into the house seeing the girls getting up from the couches as Erin went to turn off the tv.
"hey! we were just about go see if you were back! the boys want us to cook!"
"oh yeah i herd. Tony actually expected to taste heaven tonight" i said laughing.
we all laughed as the rest of the girls stretched and got upas Marie was sitting on the floor fixing her sock.
"am i helping mama?" she asked getting up off the floor.
"sure thing buttercup." i said smiling at her.
we all went to the kitchen while the boys just got done taking everything out of the bags.
"chop chop im hungry!"
"and....DONE!" Danielle said putting the cherry on top of the chocolate cake.
we all smiled at all of our dishes we made.
fruit salad
red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese
chocolate cake
and grandmas recipe
hazel nut cupcakes
we were expecting alot so
we all smiled at each others happy we finished. we wrapped everything up for it wont get cold and went up stairs to get ready.
i wore a black tight dress that showed my curves nicely. my cleavage was showing a bit not to much and my butt was popping out more than often and, my stomach looked flat. i curled my bright pink hair and did my make up deciding to put lipstick a bit darker than usual. i put on my black heels that made my slightly taller.
i went in Marie's room to see how she was doing and it turned she was doing pretty good. (dont feel like describing it its in the picture^^^)
we walked dont the stairs as i saw everyone downstairs already.
when did the arrive?
but one face caught my eye.
the same face as the guy at the store.
his eyes were raking my body as our eyes finally locked into each other. and we just couldnt look away. i was still holding on to Marie's hand as we finally got down. Jessica ran to me wearing a nice green dress smiling big
"everyone LOVES the food!" she said excitedly.
"oh my god thats great!" i said even more excited. i looked in the kitchen and made way in there Marie close by.
everyone was smiling while eating the food.
i smiled at everyone and looked down at my baby. "You wanna try mama and aunties cookin'?" i asked she smiled widely nodding. i laughed and began making her plate.
"here-" i turned to see the guy from the store getting some seconds on the macaroni.
"just cant get enough of it" he said smiling at it and then turned to look at smiling even bigger.
i felt my cheeks get hot.
"Thanks" i said smiling at him.
"you made this?"
i shook my head.
"wow! its good! your eating by yourself?" he said looking down ar my plate.
"oh no this is for my um, daughter Marie." i said smiling.
"oh how old is she?"
"6" i said smiling.
"aw. i always wanted alittle girl" he said looking at me in my eyes.
"well would you like to meet her?" i ask nervously.
"i stopped and starred at me.
"i would love too."
" my name is Valentina Tea but everyone calls me Val."
i looked up to meet his brown eyes as his eyes began to have wrinkles on the side to show he was smiling.
"yeah" i said.
"well my name is Austin Carlile, but everyone just calls me Austin."
"well then nice to meet you Austin"
"nice to meet you too Val."
he said making my stomach turn everytime he said my name.

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