Chapter 3-

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Ciel Pov

According to what Sebastian told me.... A girl and her 'butler' were found in the garden, the 'butler' having control over a dangerous creature.....

"I see...." I rest my hands on the table and look up at him... "well make sure they get a gate of the Phantomhive service...." i say smiling

He smirks and bows putting his hand on his 'heart'....

"Yes, My Lord."

There was a knock at the door, how did they get here....? "Come in." I say and the door opens showing a young girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes holding a strange plush and a male with the same (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes...

'What a strange duo huh...?'

"Well what business you two had on my garden? If you don't mind me asking?" I say in a serious tone....

(Y/N) Pov

'Okayokayokayokayokayokay........ This can go south real quick if we say something stupid so-'

"Why is mister demon near that boy?" (S/N) asks innocently, tilting her head to the side....


I was slammed against the wall while (S/N) was thrown at the feet of the pirate....

"How do you know that...?" His voice was serious and slightly amused....

She looked at him then at me.... Sebastian was holding my neck really tight....

"L-let him go!" She cries getting up and running towards the demon...

"(S/N)! Don't worry-" his grip tightens making me gasp..."I got this...." I wink at her....

She sighs and looks at Ciel....

"Would you please tell your butler to let go of him? He's not gonna last if you keep this up...." she says hugging Manti...

"Why would I do that?" The brat keeps his head up.... " Answer my question.... How do you know Sebastian is a demon....?"

"Well.... Because he's exhaling a demonic scent.....?" She says...

"What do you mean...?"

"She's telling that your butler smells like fucking sulfur...." I say getting a grip on the demon's hand and managing to get it off my neck....

His eyes widen and he puts more force on his grip.....

I keep mine on his hand holding him in place.

"Hey... Sis..." I say glancing at her "keep the earl entertained... I'll go teach this demon some manners...."

"M'kay...." she says

I pull the demon closer and hold his waist.... I couldn't help but notice the blush on his pale cheeks...

(S/N) Pov

Brother is getting his Dom! Side on....

The earl started to glare at me as my Big bro started to drag his butler away....

"..... So.....?" I say breaking the silence... ".... wanna play some chess...?"

He keeps glaring at me.... Oh boy....

"Just tell me why in bloddy hell I should trust you and that.... Thing that dragged Sebastian away?!" The earl yells, getting up and slamming his hands on his table....

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