Chapter 26

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(Y/N) Pov

Ciel and Madam Red were talking in the other room... Probably about the murder. I wasn't having it... I know what's gonna happen and I don't want to put (S/N) through this. She was talking to Grell at the moment, The two were really good friends and she loved Madam Red like a mom... I sighed and walked away from them, not noticing the reaper's gaze on me...

When I passed by one of the rooms, I was rudely shoved inside it... I glared at the pair of green eyes staring back at me...

"Grell, You better have a g-" I was cut off by a harsh kiss. His hands on either side of my neck, my hands were frozen and having him pressing me against the wall was not helping...

When he pulled away, with a face flushed and tongue hanging out, his eyes held a crazy look on them... I growled at him and shoved him away...

"Grell, I'll just tell you this once... Think twice before slashing someone with that chainsaw..." I walked away and went for Sebastian. Even though I didn't kiss back Doesn't mean I didn't get hot and bothered.... I soon found him in the kitchen, making tea and a dessert...

"Sebastian!" I called him, startling the demon.

"Love! Is something Wr-Hmph!" I pulled him by the arms for a kiss, in which he complied quickly. My hands went from his arms to his waist and to his neck... I could feel him moaning on the kiss, allowing me to invade his mouth with my tongue. "(Y-" he whispered but cut him...

"Blame Grell." I rasp, licking the string of saliva...

I walk away from him and went looking for (N/N), that was chatting with Madam Red... Until I hear a Conversation...

"Madam... I want you to be honest... Are you the one killing those women...?" (S/N) asked the now surprised woman...

She frowned and gave a sad smile... " Yes Dear, I am the Killer along with Grell..." Madam looked away from my little sis...


"I was jealous of them... They had the ability to bear a child while I had that part of me removed..." (S/N) looked up at her.

"I'm jealous of most girl my age... They have a mom and a dad, But that doesn't make me want to murder them..." Madam Red looks back at the (H/C) girl... "Cyran told me... That... My dad lost control of himself... and mommy tried to stop him from hurting me and (N/N)... I don't have any clear memory of them or their faces..." Her eyes started to spill the tears and my protective side kicked in...

"Oh no, How old were you?" The red woman was shocked.. 

"Just a few months..." I was holding myself to not cry or to enter the room..." But I Know for a fact they were really nice..." She gives her smile...

Madam Red seems to break and cries, asking for forgiveness while she hugs the lil bun...

I smile and walk away...

'no wonder sis was my only helper... she is able to calm even the most troubled soul...'

Huge Time skip

Ciel Pov

The four of us were waiting for the killer to come and attack the next target... Well, I was. The other Three were petting a cat.

"Isn't it adorable?" (S/N) says smiling while petting the cat. I pout and turn away. 'I wish I was that cat....'

Then, A scream!

I rushed to the house and bursted the door open.

I was greeted by a gruesome sight in front of me... Sebastian quickly pulled me away. I couldn't take it, i fell to my knees and puked at the memory.

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