Chapter 35

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(Y/N) Pov

In the morning, after breakfast, I shared my new info on the cult along with the intel of Pluto on the situation...

"A child born In a Dreamless family? This seems highly a strech if I say so myself..." Alois said.

"It may be but it's our best shot..." I reply. "My best guess is the chance of the child being in the age range they are luring in..."

"You would be correct..." Claude interjects... "As much as I am not fond of the fact, You were right... And I went ahead and seached something on the matter."

The yellow eyed demon pulled a 15 page Essay documenting 'the lost Self', a series of occurencies on a weathly family that seemed to not be able to dream at night, claiming to drown on the void while sleeping.

"I saw these occurrences on a documentary once! It started with the middle child and spreaded to the rest of the family..." the blond boy exclaimed.

We heard the explanation from the two...

"They were deemed cursed by an Ancient god, According to the Church. No one knew what to do to them so Some scientist decided to keep track of everyone in the family." Alois continued.

"According to the study... The void itself seemed aware of the family since the kids in the range of 2 and 5 would talk to it and they said it would respond in writing on their mind." Claude reads.

"This is very interesting... sentient void comunicating with the family. Did the children ever explained what it was saying?" (Y/N) Asked.

"The kids started to speak between themselves with 'void language', a mix of apparent gibberish, mixed with chirps and backwards manipulation of english." He continued

"This is very sweet. They void taught the youngest it's ways... like a grandpa to child." (S/N) smiled.

"Very well! We need to start our plan to track and take down this cult." The wolf got up smirking at the plan he formed. "I just need to be sure of one thing Claude."

The demon raises a brow at the male.

"Is chalk a thing is this time period already?"

In London...

Alois never felt uncomfortable in the outfits he would use at home, even if they were too revealing.

But being dressed in common clothes boys his age should use... Made unpleasant memories come back... Memories of a past he decided to forget a long time ago... The red-ish wig he was using was not helping either.

"Do we need to wear this? I feel icky..." He whined to the bun.

"Sorry Alois... Is the only way." (S/N) says brushing the wig away from his eyes. Her dress was also simple, with long sleeves and a small cloth wrapped around the front.

"Why do we need chalk anyway? They aren't going to look for us just because we have chalk!" Alois raises his arms  to wrap them to the back of his head.

They keep getting looks from some nobles and children alike at their behavior, some offended, others sympathetic, some disgusted.

(S/N) held even tighter the box of chalks (Y/N) gave her, getting Alois to glance back at her...

"I saw how you looked doing that symbol... You looked like you wanted to do more..."

(S/N) paused, looking forward and then pulling the Earl by the arm to the same plaza they first met.

Alois felt his gut twist at the sight of their location.

"Ok! We are here! Take it!" The bunny hands him the box with a smile.

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