Chapter 21

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(Y/N) Pov

'Great.... Another one after my ass now' I say to myself... I need to stop seducing people or else there is going to be a problem..... Nah!

I walk back to the carriage and greet Azure but I don't see (N/N) anywhere...

"Azure.... Where's my little sister?" I ask

"What do you mean sir? She's right h--" He turns around and eyes the open door on the other side of the carriage...





(S/N) Pov

"...And That's how brother became known as the THOT slayer...." I finish the story making the silver-haired male laugh hysterically...." Stop moving! You're gonna make me mess up the braid!!"

"Oh dear! This story is hilarious!!! I can't breathe!!!!" undertaker was wheezing... " Your brother seems like a talented man... He's a summoner right?"

"Yep! And I'm one too... Even though I need training..." I pout and finish the braid on his hair... "And you're done!"

"Thank you, my dear

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"Thank you, my dear..." He turns around and smiles at me.... "It was very kind of you to braid my hair, even though I don't show my eyes often...."

"why not? They're really pretty!" I say smiling at him. He smiles back and pets my head..." they are the eyes of a reaper, so do you still reap souls?"

He crosses his legs and pulls out a jar of dog biscuits, offering some to me. I take a few and nibble on one...

"Not anymore my dear rabbit, I'm retired and no longer reap souls...." He says on his normal voice instead of the giggly one..." Did you know that reapers are as blind as a bat without glasses?"

"Really? Then how do you see without yours?" I tilt my head.... "That's because a reaper's vision slowly increases as he gets older as a reaper..." He responds

".... So.... How old are you?"

"Heheheh..... I don't remember...."

then we hear a faint scream of my name coming from somewhere...

"Brother noticed I'm gone.... All thanks to that Dogash..." We stare at the dog-shark hybrid eating an abandoned corpse that Undertaker stopped working on....

"How come you know this creature? I've been alive for as long as I can remember and never saw one of those..."

"He's from South America... Usually on tropical beaches...."

"The south huh? never been there.... How's the place there?"

"IT'S REALLY COOL!!! The water is really warm and it's sunny and hot..."

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