Chapter 27

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Undertaker felt something off. A disturbance, a young soul trapped somewhere they shouldn't be.

He got up from his work and followed the feeling.

'this aura... Oh no...'

A fearful expression crossed his eyes and he sped up his pace, hoping he was wrong of his assumption.


Grell was attacking Sebastian with the chainsaw while they were dodging, growing annoyed about the way the reaper was talking about his Mate.

"Oh just think about the love story we would have together, (C/N)!! Ah! You and I having the most passionate--" he got hit in the face by a heel.

The (H/C) man was looking at the two fighting, keeping an eye on the Earl holding his now sleeping sister.

"This is all my fault.... I dragged her and she almost died..." Ciel's eyes were tearful, silent sobs escaping him... "I'll protect you with everything I have from now on..."

The man was slightly amused by the Earl's words... "Are you ready to give up your spot as a King for another pawn in your game?" The Earl looked up. "Isn't what we are? Pawns in your game?"


"Love?" (Y/N) inquired. "I know... Right now... I'm using all my will to not charge and murder Grell right here and now, due to the attacks towards my mate"

Sebastian was being able to beat Grell by themselves. That was until...

She stopped. A nauseous feeling coming over them... An opening.

Grell found this the perfect opportunity to attack. One single blow.

(Y/N) held the Demon protectively. His eyes wide and feral with a snarl plastered on his face. Claws were holding the chainsaw back.

Everyone was shocked.

"Don't. Touch. Them."

"Oh (C/N). Can't you see they are in the way of our love... With them out of the way, we can be together."

"As much as it may seem, this offer is not that much tempting... Due to the lack of modesty..." A silver haired reaper popped beside Ciel and (S/N). A serious and annoyed expression on the usually smiling reaper.

Ciel jumped at the sight of one of his contacts appearing suddenly...


"Hello my Lord... Will you take care of the bun bun?"

"Until my last breath..." The reaper smiled at the boy.

His gaze went back to Grell who was pissed at the new man.

"And who are you to be oh so high than me?!"

He was about to attack the silver haired man until another gardening tool came and stopped The red reaper.

"Of all the displays you could give... You show the most disrespectful and inappropriate course of action I've ever seen Grell!!"

A man dressed up in a suit, glasses and a notebook and garden clippers (?) Appeared more than disgusted by his co-worker display.

"My deepest apologies for Grell Sutcliff behavior, sir... I'll put him through a tough lesson of power abuse."

"Oh no please Will! Not now! And not In front of my Crush either!!!" Grell whined.

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