Work Out Session!!

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     Lena's face kinda did this weird thing where she was surprised and then she was angry and then she was normal. "Um, Lena? Are you okay?" "Yeah,'s just that I uh...have a cousin named Emily! Yeah...a cousin..." "Uh, okay..." "Yeah, love! Why did you break up with her then?" Lena inquired. "Well," you shifted your position on the couch."She was being kind of a jerk and I'm pretty sure she was cheating on me..."

                           Lena's POV

     Oh. My. God. I don't believe it! (Y/n) was the guy Emily said she wanted to leave! Maybe they were fighting or something...? But, what the heck?! I was the one Emily was cheating (y/n) on! This is crazy! In a good way or a bad way...I'm not really sure but, what the hell?! "So, did you ever find out what girl Emily was with when she cheated on you?" I nonchalantly asked. "Um, no... though- wait. How do you know it was a 'girl' Emily was with? Uh, Lena, are you not telling me something?" OH. CRAP. CRAAAAP! "O-oh, l-love, did I-I say 'girl'? I m-meant he o-or she..." ya damn nailed it, Lena. Ya bloody damn nailed it! "Uh, Lena are you okay?" "Y-yeah, just a little tired." I faked a yawn and I stretched my arms. "Huh. Yeah your right, it's getting a little late...maybe we should get to bed." (y/n) replied. YES!! He took the bait. God. I feel so bad, I'm playing him and manipulating him...Goddamn it Lena..."Yeah, let's get to bed." I said.

                   Tiiiiime Skiiip! your pov btw

     The next morning, you woke up with Lena's arms around you. You looked at your clock: 6:32. The alarm was set to go off at 7:00. "You might as well get up and start your workout early," you thought to yourself. So, you slowly and carefully took Lena's arms off of you, trying not to wake her up. After successfully getting out of bed, you went and put a shirt on and brush your teeth. You would go workout for a bit, come back and shower, eat breakfast and then who knows what... You grabbed your guns and wrote a note to Lena telling her where you would be. And then you walked out into the halls of Watchpoint: Gibraltor. As you walked down the halls, you were met with a couple of regular infantry and maintnence people but you thought to yourself about last night. Lena was acting a little weird, but she must've been tired like she said. But, your time in spec ops had taught you to very carefully analyze situations and people subconsiously. You of course noticed how Lena had been stuttering and how she kept putting her hand to her neck and hiding her thumbs. All signs of nervousness, (a/n) yes, they actually are signs of nervousness. but the real question still remained. Why? You decided to think about it later because you had arrived at your destination: the training area. There were only a couple of people there: Reinhardt, Zarya, and Bastion. You walked through the sliding door and headed up the stairs to the weights. You set your guns (a/n) the firearms, not those muscles! on the floor and you took two 50 pound weights and started pressing them. Then, after 25 reps each arm, you went to the suspended ropes and climbed up each. You then, just did some push-ups and sit ups. You repeated this process five times until you were good. Then, you took your firearms off of the floor and jumped off of the second floor down to the shooting range. You entered your code and I.D into the training bot setting control pad and frowned. There was only easy, medium, hard, and IT'S HIGH NOON mode. So, you hacked the control pad and added your own setting: (Y/n)'s SUPER EASY MODE(WINK). You set all of the bots to harder than the hardest setting and pressed INITIATE. You cocked your scout rifle and scoped in. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Four bots fell, three with bullets in their non-existent brains and one in the abdomen. You scoped in again and fired five bullets this time. This time all five bullets made contact in either the heart, lungs, or head. CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! You turned around to see Lena sitting on a bench a couple feet away from you. You smirked at her and she said "Nice shot, love! That was amazing! I've never seen the bots move so fast though." "Hah. Yeah, I hacked the control terminal. I should get Mccree to try my new mode." you replied. She laughed at that. "So, where to now, love?" she said with a bit of a purr...(wink, wink, nudge, nudge). "Uhmm, probably off to the punching bag." you jokingly replied. She laughed at this too. "No, really I'm serious." you said. "If you insist..." she replied. 

     Both of you then headed off to the punching bags. She didn't box though, she just sat down on another bench and called Hana or Angela probably. You sighed jokingly and smirked to yourself thinking how you could have ever doubted this girl. When you finished wrapping up your gloves, you started towards the heaviest punching bag. Lena got off her call and watched you. You punched once. The chains clinked. You punched twice with an uppercut. The chains rattled. You landed a flurry of well placed punches and a complicated spinning MMA kick at the end. The chains snapped. And the bag went flying across the room. Lena gasped and you chuckled. You went to go retrieve the bag but Zarya picked up for you with one hand and threw it at you. You caught it with one hand and lifted one eyebrow at her. She chuckled at your fake challenge. You pulled down the broken chain, tossed it at Lena making her squeal and you chuckle. You grabbed another chain from a rack and re-attattched the punching bag. You then started to punch, kick, elbow, and knee the bag until any human would be dead. You wiped the tiny bit of sweat off of your forehead and looked over to Lena. She grinned at you and you smiled back. "C'mon Lena, let's go." "Kay!" she replied cheerfully. As you guys were walking out, you asked Lena, "Don't you ever work out?" "Well, yeah! How do ya think I got these muscles?" she then flexed her "muscles" and you laughed because even when you weren't flexing, your muscles were still a lot bigger than hers. She giggled as well and said, "Also, I don't like to workout when jealous little boys are watching me." obviously reffering to you. "Hahaha! Well, I guess I'll go tell Reinhardt to work out (a/n)hahahaha! Get it? Work outhis schedule with you." She giggled at this and you guys had another splendid day.

(A/n) So, this was a bit of a longer chapter and I really hoped you guys just enjoyed no real big love or plot or anything just a look into (y/n) and Lena's life! Tell me if you guys would like more stuff like this! Peace out guys! ;D

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