Chapter 13 Meeting Someone New.

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The rest of the Thanksgiving weekend, Alexis went into hibernation. When she finally came out of her room on Sunday morning she devoured the rest of the turkey and all the other left over and pies as well. Her mother just leaned against the counter and watched.

"Did the hibernation help?"


"Are you going to drop some of your classes?"


"Good, I'm glad you're working so hard even though I don't like what's motivating you to do it."

"I know, but I need the distraction, I mean he and I were suppose to be there together, it gets kind of hard and then the fact that I can feel him every now and then, only makes it worse."

"Be glad you're weren't truly mated, that would have been horrible for you."

"How do you do it with Daddy in the hospital and so far away?" Alexis asks.

"Oh, it hurts most of the time, but I can still feel the love coming from him even though he's in a coma.

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"Don't be, do you think Daddy would be happy knowing he could have saved you and didn't? Or that I would? We both love you very much, never feel sorry for what your father did. Besides it's only a matter of time before he wakes up."

Alexis hugged her mother then went back to eating she had to replenish all her energy she had used up in her two months of non stop studying.

That evening Alexis was feeling a million times better and was ready to head back to school. Samantha picked her up and they switched seats so that Alexis could drive back. When they got back to their dorm, Alexis immediately went back to studying. Samantha walks over and plucks the book from her hand.

"No, you can start being Superwoman tomorrow, tonight you sleep like a normal person."

Alexis reluctantly agreed and went to bed. Her first class was at 6am anyway.

When she got to class it was nearly empty, she wondered if anyone was going to show up. For that matter was the professor going to show up? Alexis went and took her usual seat and began to take out her books and laptop. She suddenly felt a presence to her right and tensed. A man she had never seen before came and sat down next to her. She tried to ignore his presence but she could feel him staring at her. When she turn to face him he gave her a dazzling smile. Alexis eyes widen at the sight of him. There sat a gorgeous man with Blonde hair and magnetic blue green eyes. A cleft chin and razor-sharp cheekbones.

 A cleft chin and razor-sharp cheekbones

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"Uh Hi."

"I've never seen you in this class before." The blonde man says.

He has a distinctive mellow voice that is pleasing to Alexis' ears.

"No, I've been here the whole time, I just like to sit up here." She tells him as she goes back to setting up her stuff.

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