P r e f e r e n c e 1

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W h e n   y o u   w e a r   h i s   c l o t h e s

He would absolutely love to see you wearing his clothes, at first it would make him a bit flustered and shy but after a few times you do it he would live for you to wear his clothes and shower you in complements with more confidence.

At first
"y/n, you look umm.. you look really good,"

"You should wear my clothes more,"

At first like Mark he would be shy and murmur out complements while stuttering but later he would be proud boy and always smirks when you wear his clothes. He's even softer for you than normal when you wear his clothes.

At first
"y/n you're so bea...beautiful,"

"Jagi~," *wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheeks.

You wearing his clothes would make him so proud and make his heart beat like crazy. When he saw you he was all uwu with his eyesmile on point. He wouldn't be as shy at first and after a few times he would just leave some clothes for you to wear at your house.

At first
"Jagiyaaa~ you're so cute omggg,"

"I left some of my clothes at your house so you wouldn't feel so alone when I'm not here,"

Honestly this would make him even more sarcastic smh. He would pretend to be not affected by you but inside he's actually dying. After a few times though he would 'accidentally' leave clothes at your home just to see you wear them.

At first
"If you wanted to wear my clothes you could've just asked,"

"Is that my shirt?"
"Yeah, you left it at my house,"
"Oh, I still look better in it though,"
"So do you want it back?"
"Nonono keep it,"

He would be even more clingy than he already is (if that's possible) A smiley nana and boost about it to others, not even a bit shy cuz let's be honest he's a confident boy. Wouldn't sneak clothes for you to wear but just gives them to you and tells *demands* you to wear them.

At first:
"Guys have you seen y/n she's so cute in my clothes,"
"Jaemin, stopppp~"
"Why? Can't I show off my girlfriend?"

"Y/n wear the pink shirt I borrowed you tomorrow,"
"But I planned what to wear tomorrow already:( "
"I wasn't asking:^) "

Another flustered baby who would scream once he saw you. Would be so hyper for the rest of the week cause you wore his clothes, loud screaming in the dorms cuz you're too cute. After he got used to it he would be less hyper but more chill about it.

At first:
"Oh my god y/nnnn is that my shirt?!! You look so cutteee!!! Ahhhh!!"

"Jagi how do you look cuter everytime i see you?" *cheeky smile*

Freaked out mentally at first, just staring at you. Cuz this baby right here is a.mazed by you. It was such an adorable sight since his shirts are so much bigger than yours and you have sweater paws, just pure cuteness in his eyes. After a few times though he would be more into complements, if he's feeling bold he might even press soft pecks on your face.

At first:
"W..hat...?" *stares*
"Jisungie are you okay..?"
*continue staring until he snapped out of the trance*
"Oh nothing and yeah you.. that's umm.. okay,"

"Y/nn! You look so cute omg I wanna hold you!!" *hearteyes*

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