I m a g i n e 9

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J E N O || Q U I D D I T C H

"You should totally go for it," you encouraged your Gryffindor best friend Jeno, he only sighed and babbled on how he thinks he's not good enough to play on the team. But you've seen him play before and that was totally not true.

After a few more encouragements from you he finally decided to go try it out. Later on that day, an excited Jeno decided to barge into the slytherin dorms and tell you some good news, but ended up almost hexed by bullies. Lucky for him, you saved him just on time.

People always thought that you were a really special slytherin, first you were friends with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students, second you were probably the only Slytherin that doesn't bully others. This just aroused others curiosity about you, and that reminded you of you and Jeno's first encounter. You were both halfway through your first year, and somehow he managed to trip on air and crash into you, you were about to hex him but he look so intimidated by you so you decided to be less scary and play nice.

Let's say that was the start of a beautiful friendship and now you were curently sitting in the Quidditch court and watching Jeno play.

"Do you think Jeno could catch it?" Mark asked nervously.

"Of course he will, i mean why wouldn't he when his personal cheerleader is watching him," Haechan smirked and nudged your shoulder, you only blushed and slapped his arm.

Mark and Jaemin gave you a knowing look and you covered your face with your hands. jaemin suddenly pointed at Jeno who was the seeker and shouted nervously as the snitch flew right pass him with the slytherin chaser Draco Malfoy not far behind. Jeno glanced over to the Gryffindor seats, if he wasn't so far up in the sky he might be able to see you, you were his lucky charm, but even if he can't see you he just had a feeling that you were here.

He quickly snapped out his trance and caught up with Malfoy, your eyes watched him as he held his hand out for the snitch. You could tell that he was having a hard time since he was using only one hand to balance on his broom and his body wobbled, he looked like he was gonna fall off. You wished he could be safer or catch the snitch quickly and get this over with.

Jeno saw that Malfoy was closer to the snitch than he was so he decided to do something crazy. The snitch was above them, if he stood up he would catch it before Malfoy does, with both hands on the broom, he swung his legs on it and slowly stood up. He could hear the crowd gasp at his bold action and he even thought he heard you shout 'Be careful' to him, but then he wasn't a Gryffindor for nothing.

He quickly reached out to grab the snitch and sat down immediately.

"Seeker Jeno Lee has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" the judge announced and the players all wrapped Jeno in a tight hug and cheered but his mind wasn't on them, his mind was on you.

He saw you squeeze past the crowd with Haechan, Mark and Jaemin, you were trying your best to go to him faster. You wanted to scold him for making you worry like that when he stood up, but you were stuck in the crowd and Jeno had to meet you halfway.

He laughed to himself when he saw you wear his Gryffindor red hoodie which looked absolutely adorable on you and proceeded to wrap his arms around your waist to give you a bear hug. You sighed contently, but then you remembered what he just did, so you slightly pulled away to glare at him, hitting his chest as he stared at you amused, "How could you stand on the broom like that, do you know how much that worried me. you looked so wobbly and i thought you were gonna fall, how could you do that, never make me worry like that agin okay? I swear if you do--"

You made a sound of surprise when you felt his lips on yours, you were about to kiss back but he quickly pulled away to tease you. He pressed his forehead against yours and cooed softly, "I might do that again just to see you getting all cutely worried about me,"

"You don't have to do that to make me worried about you, i worry about you every second," you mumbled shyly.

He gave out a breathy laugh, "Then from now on we'll take care of each other more so we don't have to worry so much,"

"So we're...?"

"Dating, silly," he giggled and pulled on his famous smile, his cute little crescent eyesmile showing, "I love you, y/n. Seeing you worried about me just made me so giddy,"

"I love you too," you smiled but pushed him away playfully, "But not now cause you're smelly and gross,"

He only pouted and pulled you into a hug again, placing a sweet kiss on the top of your head.

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