P r e f e r e n c e 2

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M a k i n g   O u t   w i t h   t h e m

M a r k

- softly place his lips on your neck at first
- kisses up to your jaw and then your lips
- pecks softly on your lips
- when he's feeling it tho
- get ready gurl
- he'll place his hands on your cheek and press his lips hard onto yours
- his hands might start wandering on your waist and maybe hips
- would prefer to have you sitting on his lap
- he'll occasionally bite on your lips
- and slide his tongue into your mouth
- loves to see you being breathless after his kisses (this seems so wrong but welp he's an adult)
- making out with Mark would be soft at first and then the kisses will start getting fiercer or hotter but he's a bit shy after the first few make out sessions, after he gets used to it tho, not even god could help you then

- softly place his lips on your neck at first- kisses up to your jaw and then your lips- pecks softly on your lips - when he's feeling it tho - get ready gurl- he'll place his hands on your cheek and press his lips hard onto yours- his hands might...

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R e n j u n

- is very very very soft with you
- at first
- once he's more comfortable and confident
- he'll prefer to have you laying underneath him
- like when y'all are cuddling on the couch he'll just look at you longingly
- caresses your face gently and press small kisses on your face
- he'll close his eyes and lean in to lock your lips with his
- one of his hand will be used to support himself so he's hovering above you and not on you
- the other will be used to hold your face or just place it on your head
- your hands will be in his hair
- he loves it when you tangle your fingers in his hair when you make out
- he likes to pull away and give you small pecks before kissing you again
- his lips are so soft
- loves to see your smile after you made out as he pressed his forehead against yours and give u the cutest grin
- making out with Renjun would be short at first as he is a bit shy but after you two date longer he will prefer longer make out sessions, overall a great kisser ^^

- is very very very soft with you - at first- once he's more comfortable and confident - he'll prefer to have you laying underneath him - like when y'all are cuddling on the couch he'll just look at you longingly - caresses your face gently and pr...

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J e n o

- lives for ur kisses
- he loves it if you initiate a make out session
- puts his hand on your cheek gently at first
- and puckering his lips out hinting that he wants u to kiss him
- sometimes you'll ignore him playfully and he'll whine
- after he whines unsuccessfully
- he just leans in and kiss you hard
- becuz how dare you ignore him when he's needy
- you of cuz is shocked cuz :o
- he grips onto your waist tightly and on hand on your cheek
-pulling you closer to him
- he likes to bite your lips teasingly
- loves it even more if u bite his lips back
- your hands will be on his chest and grabbing his shirt
- if things get more heated your hands will roam around his chest
- he really likes it
- after y'all are done though he's either gonna be shy with a blush on his cheeks or he's gonna smirk really cockily
- loves to see your blush after you made out it makes him feel proud
- making out with Jeno might be shy after the first makeouts but prepare for a triumphant Jeno after you two go through more kisses he won't be shy at all just goes in hard ;)

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