I m a g i n e 11

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R E N J U N || M Y A N S W E R

Request from @Kay131313! Hope you like it

You sighed when you saw Renjun laughing with Jisung and Chenle, you wished that you were the one to make him laugh like that. The only conversation you had with him was simply asking for a pen in class and he gladly offered you one with an angelic smile.

Sometimes you two might share nods and little waves when you saw each other but you were not close friends. That didn't stop you from liking him or admiring him from afar though, you gazed dreamily at him but you were broken out of your trance when you felt a hard slap on your back.

"Donghyuck!" You shouted and rubbed your back in pain.

He grinned, "Sorry but as you best friend i just wanted to give you some love,"

"That is not the correct way to give love hyuck,"

He shrugged and placed his arm on your shoulder while staring at the way you were looking at, "Seriously? Him? Again?"

You glared at him, "What do you mean him again? He's the most perfect boy I've ever met,"

"But I'm so much better than him, I mean, look at me," Hyuck gestures to himself teasingly, you threw a disgusted look at him.

You didn't realise that Renjun walked your way and when you turned your head you were staring straight at him. Your eyes widened and you blushed, Donghyuck smirked beside you, "Injunnie! My best friend y/n here has something to tell you!"

You looked at Hyuck, betrayed and scared at the same time, he only smirked as Renjun walked closer to you.

"Is something wrong y/n?" He asked kindly.

"Ummm... nothing nothing's wrong," you stuttered out.

He looked at you confusingly, "Umm okay I'll guess I'll be leaving then?"

You didn't know what came over you but you had the urge to call him back, "Renjun wait!"

He turned to you and you took a deep breathe while lowering your head, "I like you,"

His eyes widened and he rubbed his neck awkwardly, "I'm sorry but I think that we have to get to know each other first, I'll let you know my answer then,"

You nodded slowly and comprehended what he just said, he didn't exactly reject you though, right?

A few days after you confessed to him, your Math teacher changed seating plans and now you were currently sitting with Renjun and this seat might last a few months. Throughout the week, you got to know Renjun a bit more. You two were closer when you sat together for a month, you shared silly jokes and he would constantly laugh at you for sucking at maths.

"Y/n!" You heard Renjun say when he walked to sit beside you.


"Nothing," he giggled and you punched him playfully.

He faked an 'ouch' dramatically and punched you back. These little scenarios were the ones that you treasured most and wished it would get better and better.

"Renjun!!!" You ran towards him and he smiled at you.

"What is it seatmate?" He asked playfully m.

"It's your birthday today right?" You smiled hopefully.

"I thought you knew me well y/n," he placed his hand on his heart, hurt by what you asked.

You rolled your eyes, "I just wanted to give you this,"

You handed over his favourite album and his eyes widened, he always complained at how he didn't have enough money for it but now it was there right there in his hands. You looked at him, " You like it seatmate?"

"Are you kidding me? Y/n! I love it! You didn't have to get something so expensive!" He exclaimed.

"It's your birthday, I'll do anything for you," you looked at the floor shyly.

His gaze softened and he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, "I think I have an answer,"

You looked up, "Huh? To what?"

"Your confession a few moths ago, I have an answer,"

"Oh," You rubbed your neck shyly.

"My answer is you," he said softly.

Your head shot up and you asked for a confirmation, "Me.. what? You mean you....?"

He pushed your head lightly, "I mean I like you too stupid,"

Normally you would have thrown hands at him for calling you stupid but that's not the point now, you eyes shine excitedly and you hugged him tightly. You heard him let out a cute 'oof' and a shy giggle, "So I guess now you'll be my girlfriend?"

You nodded into his chest, "Yup, boyfriend,"

He smiled shyly and hugged you back just as tight. Its gonna take a long time for him to get used to being called 'boyfriend'.

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