The date

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I looked at my attire in the mirror and turned to Esther
"How do I look?" I asked and she chuckled
"Fruity" I looked at my pink gown and groaned making her to chuckle.

So Esther and I made up yesterday and right now, I'm looking for the perfect outfit.

"Why don't you wear the black dress I bought you for Christmas" she suggested and I shook my head
"Its too body hugging"
"That's the point, you're going for a date not a service Ade, live a little" she said and I gave a sigh of defeat which made Esther to jump in excitement

"I'll go get it" she said. Her head disappeared into our wardrobe and she came out with the beautiful familiar dress that I haven't bothered to wear in a long time. The dress was armless and had shiny plastic diamonds on it making it to sparkle when I contact with light. It was knee length and was fitted from the beginning to mid thigh before it flowed and stopped at my knee.

Esther really had eyes for pretty things

I slipped it on and Esther whistled
"Girl you are hot!" She said dragging the hot and making me blush
"I look like the tempt in temptation Esther" I said twirling and staring at my surprisingly awesome figure in the mirror
" you look normal Ade. Its because you don't wear these things at all"

"Exactly my point" I deadpanned and Esther chuckled
"Get going b. And enjoy your date" and with those words Esther pushed me out of our room and locked the door.


I walked to the cathedral in the only shoes I had feeling self conscious and finally smiled when I was in and didn't meet anyone.

"Hello Made" Jay said and I jumped in surprise
"Gosh why'd you do that!?" I asked breathlessly causing him to laugh
"It felt like it was going to he fun and boy it was" he said and looked at me
"You look beautiful Made" he said while placing a kiss at the back of my palm
"Um I.... I um thanks!" I struggled the words out and blushed when he whispered cute under his breath. I noticed his pastor's collar wasn't in and he was dressed in a dress shirt and trousers making me to smile at his effort
"You also look Jay" I said and he smiled
"E se ma" he said thanks in our language Yoruba and I laughed
"Come on let's go" he said and pulled me out of the cathedral towards his car.
"Where're we going Jay?" I asked as he opened the passenger's door
"Its a surprise" he answered and shut the door after I sat down.
He entered and drove off earning weird looks from people; including the gate men.

Outside the cathedral environment was beautiful and fascinating. I stared at the tall buildings and smiled excitedly when I saw dogs playing with themselves. He parked and I stared at the name of the property

Ibi Ololufe also known as Lovers place in English and I blushed when I saw couples holding hands, hugging and some kissing.
I came down from his car and kept my gaze on the ground as he intertwined our arms. He led me into the park and chose a spot before seating me down
"I'll be right back Made" he said and I nodded.  I waited for a while and began to get worried when he wasn't back.

And I don't have a phone.

I stood up and suddenly a limo parked in my front making me to gasp. It was black and shiny and a driver came out from it
"Ride courtesy of Mr Jacob" the man said with a gruff voice and I stared at the car suspiciously before sighing and entering

Hopefully the man isn't a ritualist.

We drove for sometime before the limo came to a stop and the man opened the door for me. The moon illuminated the sky and I began to think of way that I'd beat Jay up before a voice interrupted me
"Yes?" I answered and the waiter smiled
"Welcome to Moments, my name is Samuel and I will be you waiter for tonight, please follow me" he said and I followed him into the restaurant. He led me to a table and I sat down and stared at the menu not knowing what to order.
"Why is the restaurant empty Samuel?" I asked and he smiled
"Mr Jacob rented it for the night" I blushed and Samuel left me alone, waiting for Jay.
"Hello Mi lady"
"Jay?" I turned to the direction of the voice but didn't see anyone and giggled when I felt someone's arm snake around my waist
"Hope I didn't keep you waiting?" Jay breathed against my neck and I shivered
"You did" he twirled me so that  I was facing him and placed his arm on my waist
"I'm sorry, will you do me the honor of dancing with me?" He asked and didn't wait for an answer before the music started playing. He place my arms around his neck and kept his around my waist, we swayed to the music

"Aren't you bold for a Reverend" I teased  and he smiled before placing a kiss on my cheek.

My heartbeat skipped.

"I love you Made" he said and I slept on his chest
"I love you to Jay but"
"But what?" He asked and twirled me before going back to our former position
"You told me so four years ago Made and I see it in your eyes, we love each other" he said and I hid my face
"You're a Reverend and I'm a chorister, isn't it going to be cliché?"  I asked and he laughed

His laugh is so melodious

"It doesn't matter what people think Made, all that matters is what we feel for each other" he said and let go of me
"Will you do the honour of being my girlfriend?" He asked on one knee and I smiled

"Yes Jay"

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