Day 5: A new Girl

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Y/n's Pov:
Me and Adrien decided to spend our Saturday strolling a mall. It was very small but, enjoyable. I suddenly felt the feeling of eyes on my back. I looked behind me to see, a girl with long blonde hair and grey eyes staring at me. She stared at me, looking furious beforw, stomping her way over.
"Hey you! You with the h/c!" She shouted at you. You looked at her confused before she said,
"Why are you with my boyfriend?"
I looked at her funny before a presence, Adrien, appeared.
"What's going on here?" He growled at the girl.
"Oh~ Adrien! I didn't see you there! I was just teaching this retard her place!~" She said 'sweetly'. She was so fake that my eye literally twitched in annoyance. Before, my eyes sauntered into sandness.
Is it true? I signed to Adrien.
"What?" He asked, confused.
That she's your girlfriend? I signed before the tears poured out of my eyes.
"Of course it's true you little roach!" She seethed before kissing Adrien on the cheek. He growled and I just couldn't take it anymore.
We. Are. Over. I was stupid to think I could actually fall in love. Especially with someone like you.  I signed bitterly before running off.
"Hahaha! Now that the little roach is gone how about we-" The girl was cut off as Adrien dragged her into the bathroom.
"Hehe...HHAHAHHAH!" He started laughing. (SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HAY MAN?) And... stabbed her right in the heart. (Karma.)

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