Chapter 16-What is right?

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Then Gertrude was coming inside the school and all of the students get panic and they are already leaving in the school already, then she saw that Erich was coming but she didn't expect that she would get star struck to him, and then almost she got froze until he grabbed his hand.

" Hey, I think we should go now." Erich convinces her, when he insists her to leave and come with him.

" Oh sure.." Gertrude replied; when only seem to be in love with him."

She decide to go with him and they were together run and going to his residence but she seemingly love the view of his residence when they go there inside and they did hide there first while she knows that she can't do her task but she decided to stay to his place.

" I'm just so worried what is happening outside and I am glad to take you here safe immediately." Erich said

" Why is this keep happening again?? Gertrude asks him, seemingly pretending to wondering about it.

" I don't know and it's because that Evil Forces are turning up to be powerful again.."

" Oh yes, and after all of that incident was really tiring and also I have to go to the bathroom and I just need to do something, I have to do mouthwash."

She was directly going to the bathroom but after that she just open the faucet then continues to call someone up and call one of her troops.

You have to abduct one of the students who are running away.

-Yes captain.

After that she actually did use the mouthwash for real and after that push the button for flash the toilet, then going back at the living room.

" Do you feel better now??."

" Yes, Erich..."

" I'm sure that you see all Task Forces will going to do something about this and I told you that we are going to be safe here than in any residence."

" I know."

" So, how are you??."

" I'm good, thank you for asking.."

After that he gives him a kiss, while she just didn't expect it and just sits down on the sofa.

In Hemmler's medical center, Sandra was early to go in the hospital with Elisa and she was going to watch all the staff if they are all fine.

" What are you trying to do??." Elisa asks her immediately.

" I was making sure that no one else was in danger even this hospital has double security." Sandra said frankly.

" I guess it was quite good that you put some security measures on it."

" Oh and I'm sure that you see I'm always doing good to make this hospital to be very safe because that was I always care about, especially the patients here.."

" Oh and I also want to make sure that this was place always safe.."

" Yes, you have to make sure of that."

Until they heard a gunshot inside the hospital but they did both been fully aware and all of the staff of doctors get panic and so they are going to help them to let them hide somewhere.

" I think Elisa it's better that you have to look and take care of the other patients and while I am going to make sure that this hospital was safe.."

" Okay Sandra, and I will just going to look and take care of the patient and while one of your guards in the hospital are coming up."

" They do and don't worry I can handle things alone."

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