Chapter 1

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It was a rare quiet day at the Teller-Morrow Garage. As many of the men worked inside the garage, the clubhouse was filled with the sounds of toddlers running around. "Watch out for Angel boys!" Bobby called out. The two boys slowed as the ran around 1-year-old Angel, who reached out to catch the boys. The laughter of the three grew louder as Angel tried to keep up with the boys. Their feet carried them from the kitchen into the main room. Bobby shook his head and went to gather what he needed to prepare and bake for Angel's upcoming birthday party.

A sudden cry drew Bobby's attention away from the baking ingredients set before him. Rushing into the room, little Angel was red-faced as she wailed loudly. Jax and Opie were kneeling on either side, petting her hair and kissing her cheeks and forehead. "What happened?" The boys looked up, their eyes widening as they started rambling on about Angel running and tripping, landing on her face. Bobby held out his hand to quiet them. Why he was left alone with the three children while expecting him to get the birthday cake done was beyond him. "C'mere angel" he cooed as he lifted the girl into his arms. He rocked her gently as he looked her over, noticing a small red spot on her cheek and forehead. "It's alright darlin'. No need for those tears." Angel's wails slowly turned o small sobs as she clutched her father's leather kutte. "We're sorry unca Bobby. We didn't mean to hurt her," Jax and Opie's small voices tugged at Bobby's heart. He knew that these three were going to grow up and be trouble together and that they wouldn't hurt her. "It's alright boys. Gotta remember that Angel is smaller and still learning to walk and run. She's gonna need help and you two to slow down for a while," he sighed. "How 'bout you two help make her birthday cake to make it up?" Jax and Opie both ran towards the kitchen, loudly discussing the colors and size of the cake to celebrate Angel turning 2.Bobby followed closely behind the excited boys and put Angel in her playpen. "Alright boys, we got lots of work to do. Go wash your hands!"

As Opie and Jax ran off, Bobby went back to gathering what he needed and pulled out small aprons for the boys. Angel stood, her tiny fingers holding onto the edges of the playpen and giggled. "Daddy! Cheese?" Bobby looked back, a large smile on his face. "You want some cheese?" Angel nodded quickly and reached her hand out. "Please? Cheese?" Bobby laughed as he walked over to the fridge. If there was one snack he knew would occupy Angel, it was cheese. With the boys' hand washed and an apron on each, Bobby pulled up stools and sat them down. "Alright Opie, you're in charge of helping me stir. Jax, you're going to help me pour everything. Ok?" Bracing himself for the mess that was sure to follow, Bobby dove right into having the boys help him.

Hours later, Gemma finally returned to the clubhouse for the boys. She stopped in her tracks and slowly made her way over to the bar to get her camera. In the middle of the couch, Bobby was fast asleep, little Angel was sprawled over his chest. His arms were wrapped around Jax and Opie, who were both passed out on either side of him, their tiny arms were thrown over Angel. All four were covered in flour and chocolate. Glancing over at the table, Gemma noticed three cakes. A larger one obviously made and decorated by Bobby, and two smaller cakes. "Smaller ones are from the boys, they did good." Bobby mumbled as he adjusted on the couch with the children, his eyes still closed but a smile on his face. Gemma smiled down at the three cakes. "Happy Birthday" barely legible across the smaller ones.

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