Chapter 8

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-One year later-

The past year had worn Bobby out. He sat at the kitchen table with papers spread out before him. Since Angel told him what was happening at home, he started keeping track of what she said, eating habits, sleeping habits, calendar of school and other events, what he bought her, how much he gave to Susan, etc. It had been a hard year with all the court dates and mediation sessions. Of course Susan and George appeared to be a loving middle class couple who doted on Angel compared to the rough looking biker who worked at a garage.

Gemma had been doing her best to help but with two boys of her own, plus Opie, plus helping Tig care for little Bambi, and then Angel on the odd days Bobby couldn't watch her, Gemma was exhausted. Tig's daughter was starting to walk so, with two walking toddlers around, everyone was extra watchful. Angel had been a big help though. She loved both Bambi and Thomas and often helped Gemma feed, change, and bathe them. Bobby saw how Angel thrived taking care of the toddlers, she was always doting on them and keeping them out of trouble.

Today, Bobby had agreed to keep keep Thomas and Bambi home with him and Angel. Otto and Luanne were supposed to stop in later with lunch for all of them. Otto also had the playset Bobby purchased and was supposed to help him put it together. The house had become a blessing for the little Munson family. The yard was big enough for the playset and a possible pool in the future.

Bobby dropped the paper work on the table and got up to join the playing children in the living room. Just as he was about to sit down, the doorbell rang. "Alright kiddos. Who's ready for lunch?"

Otto and Luanne walked in with a picnic basket and blanket. "Thought we'd all eat outside since it's so nice! And the kids could get some fresh air!" Luanne was beaming as she made her way out to the back yard. Bobby raised a brow at Otto, who just shrugged and quickly made his way outside after Luanne. "Alright Kiddo, I'll grab Tommy and Bambi, you grab their blankets, and let's go!"

As they sat on the blanket eating the food Luanne had made, Bobby could sense they were holding back something. "So, you gonna share with the class what's going on, or shall we start playing a guessing game?" Bobby took a bite out of his sandwich and looked between the blushing couple.

Luanne smiled and held out her hand, a large shiny rock on her ring finger. Bobby gaped at the ring and looked between them again, "We're getting married Bobby! And I already talked to we're wondering if Angel will be our other flower girl?"

Angel looked up from her food quickly with surprise. "I get to be in your wedding?! Daddy pleeaaseee!!!!" Bobby nodded as Angel got up and threw herself into Otto and Luanne's arms. "I promise to be the best flower girl ever!"

July -

The Fourth of July was here and the club was busy trying to get everything together to welcome the other charters down. Jax, Opie, and Angel had begged for a summer party to anyone that would listen to them. So here they all were, cleaning up the clubhouse, making food, gathering fireworks, and getting the whole area prepared. As Bobby dragged out trash bags, Angel was following him, her excitement showing."Daddy! I'm so excited! Are we going to set off fireworks? Is Uncle Clay going to be here? How about Uncle Tig and Bambi? Can we go buy water balloons for Jax and Opie? Will there be other kids?"

Bobby turned to her and picked her up, giving her a quick kiss to the nose. "You? Excited? Really? I don't think you are! And to answer you, Yes, Yes, Yes, Maybe, and Yes. Now how about you go help out Uncle Tig and watch Bambi for while? We need his help moving stuff."

"Ok Daddy! I'm so excited!" She squealed as she ran back to the clubhouse. Angel had been living with Bobby for a few months and she had finally started acting herself again. She was vibrant and full of life, always wanting to help with Bambi and Thomas. Bobby chuckled as she watched Angel take Bambi from Tig. She was such a mother hen to the toddlers and everyone loved seeing her like that.

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