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The morning after the beach seemed to make time fly by in a daze. Herman and Angel had talked about what had gone on between them. They knew how stupid it was to get involved with one another and hide it from the club, but they both laughed and admitted that neither of them were the brightest. They found a way to make it work. Neither would call it dating. They weren't exclusive but Herman found himself with Angel more and more when he wasn't doing something for the club. Thankfully, they also had Johnny in their corner to help them sneak around.

Of course, he took a Crow back to his room once in a while. Just enough to not arouse the suspicion of the club. At first, knowing he was with other women bothered Angel, but she soon realized that it was better to have him part of the time, without the club interfering, then not having him at all.

As Angel, Johnny, and the rest of the band decided to play gigs farther from Tacoma, Johnny came up with the idea of asking the club if the band could "hire" them for help - both as security and for lugging around all the extra gear and equipment. Lee was more than willing to let some of the guys go with them, "Anything to protect our princess," he would jokingly tell Johnny.

Kozik and Lorca were the ones always sent to tag along as security. Angel wasn't certain how, but she was sure that this was somehow Johnny's doing.

It had taken some careful planning and sneaking for the two to get alone time after the band performed. Once the equipment had been packed, Lorca wanted to hit another local bar with Kozik. Johnny and Adam said that they would go with him and Johnny would be the designated driver so they could drink what they wanted. Kozik said he would take the girls back to their rooms and keep his eye out on them. They had thankfully left their bikes at the hotel and taken the van and Lu's car. Lu threw Johnny the keys and off went the trio back to their rooms.

Once back, Kozik checked on the bikes and ensured that the van was locked. When he turned around, Lu was already walking away to her room. Angel waited and smiled at him, tilting her head toward the other room. Kozik threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close as they made their way inside. Knowing the mood Lorca was in, the three would be at the bar until early in the morning hours. Kozik was sure that he wouldn't hear the car pulling up until 3, maybe 4 in the morning. And if it was earlier, it would be Lorca forcing them back with a woman in tow.

Once they were in Angel and Johnny's room and the door securely closed behind them, Herman spun her around in his arms and pulled her tightly to his body. A low groan left his throat when she peeked up at him through her long lashes and bit her lip. "You know what that does to me," he murmured as he leaned his forehead against hers.

Angel smirked and ran her hands under his shirt, wrapping her arms around his middle and giving a small kiss. "Hmm. I have no idea what you're talking about."

The two had messed around plenty of times and seen each other in various stages of undress. But as Angel laid on the bed completely bare in front of him, she suddenly felt self-conscious and pulled the sheet to cover herself. Herman tsked and grabbed the end of the blanket, yanking it from her and tossing it on the floor. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt, he quickly pulled it over his head and tossed it to the side. Angel leaned up on her elbows and watched as he slowly removed piece after piece of clothing. When he was fully bare, Herman beckoned for Angel to come closer to him. It took a moment but Angel made her way to the end of the bed and kneeled in front of him. Herman guided her hands to around his neck and then his own settled on her hips. He tugged her closer, groaning at the feel of her smooth skin against his. His need for her was growing and he wasn't sure the last time he felt this strong of a need to have someone this close.

"You're in control and you set the pace, ok baby? We go as quickly or as slow as you want."

Angel nodded at his words and pressed her lips to his. Her nails softly scratched at the back of his neck and she smiled when he let a moan slip. The night ended with them curled together under the sheets. Herman had his arms wrapped tight around Angel as she curled against his chest.

Johnny had corralled the guys back sometime late into the early morning. Johnny managed to get Lorca back to the room he and Herman were supposed to share as Adam made his way back to the room he shared with Lu. Johnny smiled when he made his way into his and Angel's hotel room and saw Angel and Herman curled up together and looking peaceful for once. He knew that this is what Angel had been wanting for a while and she had finally gotten it. Looking at the clock, he knew they would be heading out in a couple of hours back home. It was enough time for him to get some sleep and shower before the two would wake up.

The morning felt like a blur. Johnny had awoken sometime later and Angel and Herman were still passed out in the bed. He jumped in the shower and proceeded to get ready for the day. After the hot water ran cool, Johnny decided it would be best to get the two other awoke and ready. Grabbing a pillow from his bed, he chucked it at the two.

"Alright rise and shine sleepyheads!" he sang out.

Herman and Angel stirred from under the covers. Angel fought the urge to open her eyes. She just wanted to stay in the warm bed and curled against the warm body next to her. The previous night's events came back to her and she smiled before curling closer to the man next to her. Herman had the same idea because his arms wrapped around Angel and pulled her even closer. "Shut it man, let us sleep," Herman slurred.

Johnny rolled his eyes and tossed another pillow at their heads. "Sorry to break it to you, but the others should be waking up about now and you two need to get ready. Or at least make it seem like you weren't all up in one another's business last night."

The duo groaned and slowly stirred awake. Angel gripped the blankets and sat up. " I hate you so much."

"Yeah, yeah. Now get dressed. I'm heading out for breakfast. You have 20 minutes before someone else comes knocking at the door."

Angel waited for Johnny to walk out before making her way out of the bed and toward the bathroom. Herman stretched his arms and laughed when he heard her scream and curse Johnny. He had a feeling that there was no more hot water in the dinky hotel so he resigned himself to clean up at the sink and just get ready.

True to Johnny's word, twenty minutes later, Lorca was pounding on the door. "Angel, wake up, kiddo! Have you seen Kozik?"

Angel smiled at Herman and gave him one last kiss before making her way toward the door. "Good morning Lorca. Yeah, he's here." Angel opened the door more and showed that Herman was sprawled on the other bed, fully dressed, and flipping through the channels.

"Where were you last night man? I woke up to an empty room!"

Kozik shrugged and pointed toward the tv. "We ended up watching horror movies all night, a marathon or some shit. I ended up passing out in here. Smells better anyway."

Angel rolled her eyes and finished throwing everything into her duffel as the two continued to chat away.

They had everything packed and loaded up in the van. Adam wanted more sleep so he opted for passing out in the back of Lu's car while Angel drove the van back to Tacoma. The weekend felt like it had ended too suddenly but Angel was glad that it at least happened. 

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