Chapter 25

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The semester seemed to go by quickly. Before anyone realized it, Thanksgiving was right around the corner. Angel laid sprawled out on her bed, staring at the TV in front of her. She knew she wouldn't be heading back to Charming for Thanksgiving and had resigned herself to spending her time off in her apartment, catching up on her assignments.

Angel looked around her tiny home and smiled. She was glad that she was on her own finally. It was only a small studio apartment but she it was hers. She and Precious had hung curtains to hide the bed and had found small dividers to give more privacy. Along one wall were bookshelves that held all her texts, pictures, knick knacks, and comics.

She could lay around all day and do nothing but binge watch TV and no one would scold her for wasting the day away. No, this was her place that she was paying for and could do what she wanted in. The thought caused a wide smile to spread on her face and she squealed in happiness, kicking her feet in the air before rolling around the bed. Angel was pulled from her thoughts by a knock at her door. Groaning, Angel slowly crawled out of bed and pulled on her robe. She had an idea on who it actually was and she was not surprised when she saw Johnny at her door, a wide grin on his face, guitar strapped to his back, and two coffees in his hands.

"Why aren't you dressed doll-face? Wait, don't answer that. We have practice tonight. Adam and Lu will be meeting us later and we are going to actually practice as a legit band for once!" Johnny made his way past Angel and directly toward the tiny kitchen, setting the two coffees down.

"Yes, you can totally come in. It's not like I was planning to lay around all day and finally relax for once." She rolled her eyes and shut the door. Angel pulled her robe tightly around her body, shivering from the cold air that entered the studio. "Fuck, it's cold out. Why are you only in a hoodie?!"

Grabbing the cup off counter, Johnny just shrugged and took a swig of his coffee. "Not that cold. Plus, it's not like I was outside very long. You only live on the other side of the complex."

Angel rolled her eyes before shuffling her way over to the kitchen and grabbed the extra cup of coffee. Johnny smiled over his cup as he watched her sip the coffee and slowly come to life. "What time is practice anyway? And how did I ever let you talk me into this shit?"

Wiggling his eyebrows, Johnny smirked and gulped down the rest of his cup of coffee. "I love when you use such naughty language with me Doll. Practice is at 4, but you promised to hang out with me all day and help me with studying since we have a big test this week. As for talking you "Into this shit", as you so eloquently put it, I didn't. I said I was thinking of getting some people to play music with and YOU, my zombified-beauty, were the one to say you wanted to start a band and actually practice. And if my memory serves correct, which it usually does, it was you who suggested practice today."

Angel opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it. She knew Johnny was right. Hell, she knew that Johnny knew that he was right and the smug look on his face told her all of that. "I hate you sometimes."

"Yeah sure you do Doll. Now finish your coffee and food, then go get ready so we can hit the library. " The two sat in silence as they finished their coffee and breakfast. Angel knew she would have to get ready soon so they could get out of the apartment and get to the library before practice.

Before they realized it, they had already studied as much as they possibly could cram in and finally climbed into the car to make their way over to the practice space. Lu was already there, waiting and setting up the drum set. "Finally you pricks are here!" She threw his hands in the air and laughed. Angel and Johnny rolled their eyes and carried in the rest of their gear.

"Adam will be right back. Needed some new sticks and he had a lead for a possible show. Depending on how the next few weeks ago, we may have our first gig lined up guys!"

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