Chapter 18

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It seemed as if just days ago Bobby and Susan were bringing their little bundle home to show off to the rest of the club. Bobby sat at the bar in the clubhouse, a cold beer in his hand as he thought back over the years. Angel was turning 16 soon and he knew they needed to celebrate big. He could admit it to himself that he had been so preoccupied with club business that when he was in prison, he forgot that he could have been missing his children's' birthdays.

Bobby sighed and took another swig of beer. 16. His little girl was turning 16 years old. Where did the time go? Bobby wasn't sure what to do. He knew he should be planning a big party for her. Maybe he would leave it to the women to plan, it seemed to be their thing anyway. Bobby finished off his beer and made his way outside. He knew that was where everyone else was. Little Tiki had almost everybody wrapped around his little fingers, especially his big sister. Bobby was proud of how Angel stepped up to care for Precious and Tiki when he was in prison. He was even proud of how David stepped up and took care of the three of them. Bobby wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but he was glad that David had been around. He was becoming more and more part of the Munson family.


As the day of Angel's party drew closer, Bobby noticed how much time she and Precious spent together. The complaints from both of them for him to stay home and spend time with them lessened. Part of Bobby was glad. They both knew what being part of SAMCRO entailed. But part of him missed them both trying to spend time with him. The more time they spent away from Bobby, the more he seemed to draw away from them as well. Angel noticed that she and her dad hadn't talked much since he had been released. Angel still held some anger toward him but she knew it wasn't right.

Angel wanted to talk to him but he always seemed to be busy or had club business to take care of, or he was off to do one of his Elvis gigs. When Angel finally saw him at the garage just sitting at one of the picnic tables with the newspaper in front of him, she knew this was her time to finally speak to him. Slowly she walked up to the table and took a seat beside him, setting down a small bag and nudging it toward him. She had never felt like she couldn't talk to him but things had felt different lately. "What's this?" His voice startled her and she noticed he still hadn't looked at her. "Thought you would be like to try something new I made." Bobby grunted in response and set his paper down and finally turned to look at his daughter. They didn't say anything and Angel fidgeted in her seat. She felt like a toddler again, about to be scolded for doing something she shouldn't have. "What's wrong princess?"

"I could ask you the same thing Daddy," she paused and looked up at him, a sad smile on her face, "I miss you. You're never around anymore."

Bobby sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling Angel closer to him. "I miss you too kiddo. Maybe we need to hang out some more. Right now there's a lot to get fine but after your party, you and I will do something. Just the two of us like old times."


David searched through his room, tossing clothes and shoving papers around. He knew he had it somewhere. He swore he put it in the top drawer of his desk, or was it his dresser? Was it in the nightstand? All David knew was that he had Angel's gift somewhere in his room. David dropped to the ground and started pulling everything from under his bed.

A small chuckle from outside his room caught his attention. David stood slowly and glared at his brother Jacob, who was leaning against the door frame, the box containing Angel's gift in his hand. "Oh baby brother, looking for something?" Jacob held up the small box and grinned at his younger brother. "Why the hell were you in my room Jacob?"

Jacob kept the smug grin on his face and shrugged, turning the box in his hands. It was hard for David to tear his eyes from the boy, trying to restrain himself from lunging forward and grabbing the box out of his brother's hands. "Well David. Davey, my baby brother who I adore. You've been gone for some time. I mean you're rarely home. So I came to check on you and saw this pretty little box just sitting on your desk and was wondering what this could be. Mom and Dad may not say anything, hell they might not even know. But this kind of gift, for your little girlfriend? Tsk tsk. Now why would you try to bring that kind of humiliation to our family?"

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