Chapter 12

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Nov. 11, 1993.

That was a day that would not be forgotten. It was the day that Angel received the terrible news. JT had been in an accident with a semi-truck. There were no words to describe how Angel felt as they relayed the news to her and Bobby. Sick? Nausea? Anguish? Shock, despair, misery, gloom, gut-wrenching-heartache? No. None of these words came close. Angel ran from the living room straight to the nearest trash can as she emptied her stomach. Bobby and Clay jumped up and were beside her, rubbing her back and holding her hair. She had finally got back to a place of comfort and joy with JT, and now he was gone.

"I'm so sorry baby. They don't think he's going to make it through this."

Angel stood and stared at her father and uncle as she wept. Again, she had lost someone important in her life. And again, it was someone from the Teller family. The feelings from Thomas's death resurfaced and Angel felt the world closing in on her once more.

"Breath Princess. You need to breath"

Angel wasn't sure who was talking to her but she did her best to listen and try to steady her breathing.

"H-how's Jax? Where is he? Where's Gemma? Who's with her? Is she alone right now? Bambi? I need to be there for them!"

Clay took a step back and stared in astonishment. Despite her own grief, Angel's first thoughts went to the remaining Tellers. "Jax and Gemma are at the hospital with the rest of the club. Bambi is with her dad. Do you want to go say your goodbyes?"

Angel nodded and clutched Clay's hand, allowing him to guide her out the room and toward the bikes. Clay had always been the one to comfort Angel during terrible times. She always clutched to him and sought safety.

Bobby sighed as he followed behind the two. Bobby grabbed Angel's helmet and bag; he had a feeling that his little girl wouldn't be straying far from the Tellers for couple nights.


As they entered the waiting room, Angel felt her nerves rising again. It should have felt safe and welcoming to see the familiar leathers. Only dread washed over her. It was Piney who made their way over first. He lifted Angel into his arms and held her tight. She clutched at him and whimpered. The past year she had grown closer to Piney. JT, Otto, and Clay had been her favorite uncles but Piney was her "Pops". He had taught her to fight and defend herself. Anytime she needed help or just someone to listen, she went to Piney. "I got you Princess. Just breath."

When it was finally time for Angel to see JT, she froze in her spot. She wasn't sure how she could go through this or that she really wanted to see him. "We got her Bobby," Otto spoke up as he wrapped his arms around Angel's shoulder. Luanne held her hand and coaxed her up from her seat, gently pulling her forward. "I know it's hard sweetie, but this is something we have to do. It might be our last chance to talk to him." Luanne and Otto held her hands the whole way to the room. As they entered the room, Angel stared at the man in the bed. Wires covered his body, bandages were wrapped all over, and a tube was down his throat. JT looked for small and fragile in the bed, he wasn't the man Angel remembered him as.

Luanne placed a hand on the small of Angel's back, gently urging her forward. Angel sat at the edge of the bed and held JT's hand. It was warm and calloused, but the lack of movement worried Angel. She knew that he wouldn't be recovering from this accident. Any day, he would succumb to his wounds and be with Tommy in heaven. "I'm sorry, for being so cold the last few years Uncle JT. I"m so sorry. I know you're trying to stay with us. It's ok Uncle John, go be with Tommy. Tell him we all miss and love him." Angel sniffled as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her uncle's cheek.

Otto and Luanne took steps away from Angel and JT, giving them a moment of privacy. Seeing the little girl weeping over JT's body was something that Otto hadn't been prepared to see. JT wasn't only his President, JT was his friend, his brother. And then there was Angel, the little girl who had been raised by the club. It broke Otto to hear her words. No child should have to say those things.

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