Chapter 11

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Angel sat on the bench with her eyes cast to the floor as she waited for her father to show up. Angel took in deep breaths as she wiped her eyes with her sleeves. She refused to let them see her cry again, she wouldn't give them more ammo to use against her. "Why couldn't they just leave me alone? Why is it always me?" She was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of heavy boots making their way toward her.

"Angel? Baby.." Bobby stopped steps away from his daughter as she looked up at him. Her lip was busted, dried blood caked on her chin, her hair was a mess, and bruises were forming on her face. Bobby took in a shuddering breath and closed the distance between them, instantly wrapping his arms around her. "Baby, what happened?" Angel shrugged out of his arms and moved away, refusing to speak. "Angel, what happened?"

They were interrupted by a door opening, 3 other girls and their parents walking out, smugly looking at the bloodied Angel, who had a vacant stare. "Mr. Munson, Angel... Come in on so we can talk." They both followed the principal into her office.

"So what's going on? I get a call to come down because my daughter's in trouble and I find her looking like this?"

The principal held a hand up to silence Bobby. "Mr. Munson, this has been going on for a while. Angel can be very disruptive and argumentative with the other students. We called you in because she was in a fight with three other girls today."

"Yeah, and it seems like my daughter is the victim of the attack!"

"Mr. Munson. Angel provoked-"

"No I didn't! They attacked me!"

"Please Angel. Aside from the girls, other students say they saw-"

"I don't care what other kids are saying! Look at my daughter's face! Three versus one? And she's the only one in trouble? What the fuck is going on- "

"Mr. Munson! Please calm down!"

"I will not come down when my daughter is being accused of bullshit!"

Angel sat in silence as Bobby and the Principal argued more. She knew there was nothing she could say to make the arguing stop. There was nothing she could say to make the principal believe her. Bobby grabbed her hand and dragged her out the school and toward the truck. She couldn't remember what was said after she zoned out but it had been a long time since she last saw her father this mad.


Angel remained quiet on the drive back to the garage. "I"m sorry for losing my temper back there. I shouldn't have yelled. Will you at least tell me what the fight was about?"

Angel glanced at her father before turning to look out the window. "Andrea said bad things about us, about the club, mostly about you. She said mom was a whore. That you'd make me be one too. She kept going on about how we should be glad Tommy died. Otherwise he'd be another piece of scum ruining the city...I didn't hit her first though. I just told her to shut up. So she punched me. And then I fought back, That's when Jessie and Carly jumped in."

"I'm glad you told me. They had no right to say those things. It's obvious who the scum are. We may not be the nicest people but the club does what it must to keep the city safe. I hope you know I was serious back there. If you want to go to another school, you can. I have enough saved to send you to that private school. I have enough, can get you in that school until you graduate."

Angel sat in silence for the rest of the drive. Part of her wanted out of the school but she knew it would just get worse once she was in high school. And she didn't want to put that financial burden on her father.

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