Chapter 7

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Angel sat at the table surrounded by her family. Family dinners with all her uncles at Gemma's was something she always looked forward to. Tonight, instead of happily eating, she was pushing the food around her plate. She had no real appetite, despite not having eaten since the day before. "What's wrong princess?" Her uncle piney nudged her arm softly as he leaned close. Angel just shrugged and put her fork down. "Not hungry?" Her response was only another shrug again. Bobby looked up and noticed his daughter not eating. "Angel?" The men around the table grew quiet as they turned their attention to Angel, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

She wanted to eat, she really did. But her mother and George's words continued to echo in her mind.


"Mommy? May I have a snack please? I finished all my homework already!" Angel beamed. Since her mother had started dating and moved them in with George and his two children, Angel had been trying her best to be a good child and not bother her mother. Susan rolled her eyes and ignored her daughter, instead going back to cleaning up. It was a rare day that everyone was home. George's children were outside playing in the yard already while Angel had been forced to do her homework first. George was sitting in his recliner reading his newspaper. "Mommy?"Angel got up and stepped closer to Susan. "Damnit Angel, can't you do anything yourself! Don't you see I'm busy right now?" Susan slammed down the rag and stormed out the kitchen, leaving Angel confused and hurt. Taking a deep breath, Angel went to the fridge and pulled out everything she needed for a small sandwich.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Angel froze at the sound of his voice.

"I- I was making a sandwich. I'm hungry." Angel didn't need to turn around to know that George probably had a scowl on his face. She wasn't sure what she had done to make him not like her, she always listened to him and never asked for anything that she didn't absolutely need. Even then, she waited until she was with her daddy or Aunt Gemma.

George closed the distance between the two and snatched the food away from Angel. "I've told you this before. You eat when we eat. Not before, not after. You don't need to eat more than that. Now get the hell out my fucking kitchen. You're already fat enough."

Angel glared up at the man. She had never felt hatred for another person before but the only thing she could feel for this so-called man was pure hatred. Angel felt the rage building up inside her as she clenched her fist. All she needed to do was pull her arm back and hit him where Jax and Opie taught her would hurt the most. As she was ready to hit the man, her mother stormed in "Angel Munson! What the hell do you think you're about to do?" She bellowed.

Angel spun to face her mother as tears filled her eyes. "I was just trying to make a sandwich! I told you I was hungry and you promised when I was done with homework you'd make me something and you didn't! You never keep your promises anymore!"

Susan stared at her daughter before grabbing her arm and dragging her down the hall to her bedroom. "Don't you dare yell at me ever again little girl! I am not your father and will not tolerate you being a disrespectful brat! Do you see Lily and James acting this way to their father or to me? You should strive to be more like that!"

Angel yanked her arm away "I'm glad you're not Daddy! He loves me at least! You like Lily and James better anyway! You only keep me around so Daddy gives you money! You don't love me so get out my room!" Angel tried to keep the tears from spilling over, all she wanted was her daddy to make them go away but she had another day before she'd be able to spend time with him.

Susan scoffed and slapped the girl across her face. "You ungrateful little brat. You can just stay in here tonight. No dinner for you. Go to bed and if I find you outside this bedroom tonight, you will regret it."

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